

Understanding Mad Cow Disease Testing Methods

Delve into Mad Cow Testing Methods Mad Cow Disease, scientifically known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a rare but fatal neurological disorder that affects cattle. The disease gained significant attention in the 1980s and 1990s due to its potential...

Photo of cows against blue skies

Grass Testing and Analysis

With grass starting to grow again, lawn and garden care manufacturers are looking for laboratories to test their pesticide, lawn equipment, and turf fertilizers. Contract Laboratory, Inc. can help manufacturers with all grass testing and all lawn and garden care...

Grass Testing and Analysis

FSSAI Accredited Laboratories

FSSAI Accredited Laboratories: Ensuring Food Safety and Quality in India In the pursuit of safeguarding public health and enhancing the quality of food products, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plays a pivotal role. A crucial component of...

Biodiesel and Biofuel Testing and Analysis

Biodiesel and Biofuel Testing and Analysis: Fueling a Sustainable Future In the quest for sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions, biodiesel and biofuels have emerged as vital alternatives to traditional fossil fuels. As the global community becomes...

93 Chemicals in Cigarettes | Tobacco Products

By now it is standard knowledge that chemicals in cigarettes and other tobacco containing products are dangerous. Due to their dangerous nature, the FDA requires tobacco producers to report the levels of Harmful or Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHCs) in their...

chemicals in cigarettes

AAFCO Animal Feed Standards Lab Testing

What lab testing is required for Animal Feed and Pet Food Products by AAFCO Standards? AAFCO is an acronym for the Association of American Feed Control Officials. While AAFCO  is a United States association, it is a regulatory one that is comprised of local, state,...

Antibiotics in Food – 3rd Annual Report Released

In the third annual "Chain Reaction" report, the most popular US fast food chains are graded on their use of antibiotics in food, specifically meat,  as well as their policies and meat sourcing practices. Historically, antibiotics have been given to animals that...

What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Foods?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods  are created in a laboratory through genetic modification and engineering. Non-Genetically Modified Organisms (Non-GMO)  foods are those that have not been genetically modified. Many concerns regarding the safety of GMOs...

Fruit Testing and Analysis. Fruit Tests and Analyses.

Why is fruit testing and analysis important? Apples oranges kiwis pears and lemons! Fruit testing and analyses are performed by farms, produce distributors, and food manufacturers before distribution for further manufacturing or consumption. In the realm of...


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