
Grass Testing and Analysis

With grass starting to grow again, lawn and garden care manufacturers are looking for laboratories to test their pesticide, lawn equipment, and turf fertilizers. Contract Laboratory, Inc. can help manufacturers with all grass testing and all lawn and garden care products...

by | Feb 26, 2023

With grass starting to grow again, lawn and garden care manufacturers are looking for laboratories to test their pesticide, lawn equipment, and turf fertilizers. Contract Laboratory, Inc. can help manufacturers with all grass testing and all lawn and garden care products to ensure home and garden stores have them on the shelves before winter returns.

Some strive to be that neighbor with the fabulous curb appeal of a green lawn and colorful flower gardens perfectly manicured and maintained.  With several options to assist in creating this landscape wonderland, there are just as many companies out there with products that they hope you will select off store shelves from fertilizers/insecticides/soils to lawn mowers/power tools, and ergonomic hand trowels to wheelbarrows and sprinkler systems.


These lawn and garden product manufacturers use contract laboratories to test and analyze their products to meet an array of quality, safety and technological standards or requirements within this industry. Consumers are looking for confidence in their selection of lawn and garden products to do the job, and to get the job done safely and effectively.  Companies who can meet these consumer needs end up with a competitive edge in this vast market.

Contract Laboratory, Inc. has assisted manufacturers and distributors of Lawn and Garden products outsource their product testing.  Below are examples of how we have helped:

  • USA Laboratory needed for CIPAC pesticide analysis. The product to be tested is an insecticide. Approximately 50 samples will require testing. Testing will include the following parameters: persistent foaming, wettability, dustiness, flowability, dispersibility, attrition…
  • USA Mechanical Laboratory needed for ANSI Testing Full testing to ANSI B71.4, Commercial Turf Care Equipment – Safety Specifications 4 machines Full testing to ANSI B71.1 1.
  • Eastern USA physical laboratory needed for impact testing, ball and Joint Outdoor power equipment, Mowing Deck on a lawn and garden type tractor.
  • USA Consumer Safety Laboratory needed for CPSC compliance testing lawn mower testing per CPSC requirements listed in 16 CFR Part 1205.
  • Europe environmental laboratory needed for ASTM Testing: soil testing Organic matter contents and decomposition rates of sediment and soil samples.
  • India or Asia independent laboratory needed for Solar Reflective Index Testing for Artificial (Plastic) Grass …
  • Los Angeles FDA GMP Laboratory needed for Impact Resistant Testing and Drop Ball Testing
  • California EPA Laboratory needed for water quality testing: Indirect Potable Reuse ambient water quality monitoring to EPA 8620EPA 552.2SM 5310CHerbicides / Pesticides GC/MSSM 3113BEPA 200.7EPA 245.1EPA 300 – 365EPA 160.2SM 2340BSM 2120BSM 9222 B DEPA 1600 – 1623EPA 600ASTM
  • Mechanical Laboratory needed for ANSI Testing of new prototype ladder
  • USDA Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for neonicotinide testing in flowers from various stores.

If your company is manufacturing or distributing Lawn and Garden products and need laboratory testing and/or product validation,

SUBMIT LABORATORY TEST REQUEST or call 1-855-377-6821 Toll-Free 24/7.

The Contract Laboratory Business Development Team will be happy to help!


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