
Illegal Drug Residues Testing in the Dairy Industry

Dairies must follow strict treatment protocols to reduce the risk of finding drug residues

by | Feb 23, 2023

As recent headlines and recalls demonstrate, the food and dairy industries need to perform illegal drug residues testing. In early August, the FDA sent two North American Dairy Farms warning letters regarding the presence of illegal drug residues found in tissue samples of animals that were to be used for food. Both dairies were sent warning letters regarding the investigation and requesting action be taken to remedy the situation immediately, or they would risk regulatory action such as seizure and/or injunction.

Illegal Drug Residues Testing in the Dairy Industry

Illegal Drug Residue Testing in the Dairy Industry

The United States dairy industry is committed to producing safe, quality milk and dairy. Preventing disease among animals results in safe food for human consumption. Sick animals sometimes require prescription drugs, and antimicrobials, through a veterinarian. These drugs, when used appropriately, should not leave residues in milk or dairy beef, and marketing or selling meat or dairy with residues, even if unintentional, is illegal. The USDA Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) conducts routine tests for chemicals, pesticides, and drugs in meat meant for human consumption.

To reduce the risk of finding tissue with drug residue, dairies should strictly follow treatment protocols and observe that withdrawal times are carefully followed.  Additionally, dairies should ensure that only approved drugs are used, proper doses are administered, and treatment records are well maintained.

To ensure your compliance and the safety of your milk, dairy products, or meat, get your products tested! Call us at 1-855-377-6821 or submit an online test request.

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