
Food and Beverages

Salmonella Testing and Analysis in Food

Need testing for salmonella done? A golden brown turkey, fragrant cornbread stuffing with sage and smooth creamy gravy. A classic traditional favorite at Thanksgiving. While families are finding their heirloom roasting pans and gravy bowls, manufacturers' and...

Food Color Additives Testing

Green Beer, Green Cupcake Frosting, Green Whipped Cream on Irish Coffee and Green Mashed Potatoes. With the Irish Holiday of St. Patrick's Day coming, there seems to be a lot of green food made with food color additives in the grocery stores and bakeries. While...

Surface Water Testing / Ground Water Testing

Contract Laboratory regularly receives requests from companies, governments and organizations for surface water testing and ground water testing. Surface water is water found in rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, oceans, etc., and even snow and ice, as opposed to...

Surface Water Testing

FSSAI Accredited Laboratories

FSSAI Accredited Laboratories: Ensuring Food Safety and Quality in India In the pursuit of safeguarding public health and enhancing the quality of food products, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plays a pivotal role. A crucial component of...

Hot Dog Analysis and Testing

Hot Dogs, Buns, Mustard, Sauerkraut.  It's National Hot Dog Day. While many people will be enjoying their frankfurters at baseball games and amusement parks across the USA. Many food manufacturers, producers, and processors are performing quality control testing on...

Baby Food and Formula Testing

Researchers from the Clean Label Project found levels of lead, arsenic, BPA, and other harmful substances in purchased baby food, infant formulas, toddler drinks, and snacks. Baby food and formula testing reveals hidden dangers like these chemicals that can affect...

US FDA Compliant Easter Egg Food Color Safety Testing

It's Easter weekend, and egg dyeing is in full force! Have you ever wondered about the food color safety testing of the easter egg dyes used on Easter eggs? Food coloring, dyes, and additives are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Egg dye is a food...

Infant Formula Testing: New ISO METHOD

Need infant formula testing? Infant formula is a highly regulated industry and ISO has released a new test method for vitamin and micronutrient testing of baby formula. These analytical methods were developed in cooperation with the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, ISO, and the...

Baby Infant Formula Testing and Analysis

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score Testing

Understanding PDCAAS PDCAAS is a scientific method used to evaluate the quality of a protein based on its amino acid content, corrected for its digestibility. It compares the amino acid profile of the food protein against a standard amino acid profile recommended...

The infographic above visually illustrates the concept of Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) testing, including key components like a comparison chart for amino acid profiles, a diagram of protein digestibility, and a scoring scale for protein quality.

FDA New Guidance | Food Safety Modernization Act FSMA

The US FDA recently announced it would be making changes to the way it enforces the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) of 2011, an act meant to help ensure the safety of the food supply. The agency is calling the act the biggest food safety overhaul in 70 years....

FDA Issues New Guidance on Food Safety Modernization Act

Pet Food Testing for Campylobacter

Pet food testing is common to ensure it is free of disease-causing organisms such as campylobacter. Campylobacter is a bacterial infection that causes food poisoning that is somewhat common in puppies. It is estimated that as many as 49 percent of dogs carry the...


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