
Environmental and Ecology

Air Quality Testing

Hurricane Harvey has caused flooding of numerous industrial and hazardous waste sites in Houston posing the threat of toxic pollutants leaking into floodwaters and eventually reaching the ecosystem downstream and contaminating the water, soil, and even the air...

Water Quality Testing After Hurricane Harvey

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, a lot of safety testing will need to occur to ensure the people affected by the storm are safe from toxic waste whose sites flooded and spilled the waste, chemical residues in the soil, mold, and perhaps most importantly, water...

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Testing

VOC Testing is important in detecting volatile organic compounds.  VOCs are organic chemicals with high vapor pressure at room temperature due to their low boiling point which in turn causes molecules to evaporate into the air releasing potentially harmful...

Volatile Organic Compounds VOC Testing

Soil Testing

Soil testing and analysis are most commonly done to determine the concentration of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as to understand the composition and characteristics, like pH or acidity of the soil. These tests can help determine...

Soil Testing

Toxicology Research and Testing

Toxicology research and testing are critical components of ensuring the safety and efficacy of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer products. This discipline involves the study of the adverse effects of chemical substances on living organisms and the...

image focuses on the core activity of toxicology research, featuring one or two scientists engaged in examining a sample under a microscope or handling a test tube

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring is a broad term used to describe the processes and tests done to monitor the environment. Additionally, environmental monitoring helps us understand the effects of human behavior on it and how to better protect it from those harmful...



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