
Landfill Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Testing

Landfill Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) Testing is an analytical test method used to determine whether or not waste is hazardous by determining the mobility of organic and inorganic substances in liquids, solids, and metaphasic waste. Under the US Government’s...

by | Jan 27, 2023

Landfill Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP Testing

Landfill Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP Testing

Landfill Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) Testing is an analytical test method used to determine whether or not waste is hazardous by determining the mobility of organic and inorganic substances in liquids, solids, and metaphasic waste. Under the US Government’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCRA of 1976, the TCLP was established by the US Environmental Protection Agency as a test method protocol to characterize industrial and other wastes.

Landfill Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP Testing is used to determine if waste meets the US Environmental Protection Agency EPA’s Toxicity definition by testing it for 40 contaminants. If a waste product fails one or more of the contaminant tests it’s considered a hazardous waste. TCLP data is used to determine whether a facility can accept certain waste. If TCLP levels are below the maximum contamination levels, the waste is accepted at the facility, if the levels are above the maximum level, they cannot enter the facility and must be taken to a hazardous waste disposal facility.

Wastes are considered hazardous if they are ignitable, are corrosive, are reactive, are toxic, or are listed on hazardous waste codes.

Contract Laboratory has received the following Landfill Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP testing projects from companies, governments, and organizations :

  • Environmental toxicology laboratory needed for TCLP Testing: Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure TCLP metals
  • Materials laboratory needed for leachable heavy metals testing in a ceramic matrix to EPA TCLP 1311 submethod SW-846 EPA 6010/7470. Must have the ability and track record of performing the EPA Test Method.
  • Asia Reliable lab needed for metallurgical analysis of solids residue and electrolyte analysis for (chloride hydrometallurgy) purpose: XRD DTA/TGA ICP liquid Digest & ICP Fire assay TCLP QEMSCAN If the answer is yes, what is the normal lead time, ballpark asking price and would you be able to provide us with a specification of your lab capabilities?
  • USA Materials laboratory needed for EPA waste contaminant characterization testing of waste Rags/ Wipes/ Gloves with paint-related material to EPA methods. The lab needs to pull samples and characterize waste of contamination with -chips of concrete and paint -rags with slime -propylene glycol -oils with water -wipe with acid EPA methods, TCLP, EPA 8260 &8270 flash point.
  • India, Asia Materials Laboratory needed for ASTM Testing: 1) Heat Transmission coefficient 2) Rigidity – ASTM C393 3) Elongation – ASTM D638 4) Deflection Temperature under load – ASTM D648 5) Coefficient of Linear Thermal expansion: ASTM D696 6) Impact resistance – ASTM D732 7) Toxicity: should be within acceptable, TCLP 8) Colour change at 80degC: No visible change 9) Delamination at 80deg C: No delamination 10) Bending strength: ASTM D747 11) Sound Reduction: 27Db
  • USA Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for testing of TCLP extracts for Thiocyanate by SM 4500-CN-M.
  • and many more! View TCLP Testing Requests

If you work for a manufacturer, company, government, or university that needs a toxicology laboratory for Landfill Landfill Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP Testing or other environmental toxicology testing or scientific research, Contact Us for more information, or Submit a TCLP Testing Request.


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