
Consumer Products

California Proposition 65 Testing

California Proposition 65 Testing is important for products sold in California.  The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, also known as California Proposition 65, is an initiative approved by California voters to address growing concerns related...

Cosmetics Formulation Testing

Contract Laboratory receives many requests from manufacturers of cosmetics, hair care, skincare, nail care, and other personal care products for the formulation and development of new products. Cosmetics formulation testing requires formulation chemists and other...

Cosmetics Formulation Testing

CPSC Decision on Phthalates in Children’s Products

Last month, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued its final ruling on the use of phthalates in children's products, toys and articles. In a 3 to 2 vote, the commission ruled that children's products may not contain more than 0.1 percent of certain...

Why Sports Equipment Safety Testing is Necessary

Does your organization need sports equipment safety testing? Sports equipment safety testing is performed because products are expected to meet safety requirements before being released to the public. Today, the US Consumer Products Safety Commissions announced...

Sports Helmet Safety Testing

COSMOS | Cosmetic Organic and Natural Standard

The Cosmetic Organic and Natural Standard (COSMOS) is responsible for setting standards for the cosmetics industry in Europe. The COSMOS marking on cosmetics packaging verify that the product has met specific requirements for organic and natural products. More than...

Europe COSMOS Cosmetics Testing

Robot Testing

If one watched the decades old cartoon "The Jetsons," one would remember lovable Rosie the Robot cleaning George and Jane Jetson's glass capsule house. There may not be many people who have not wanted to have their very own Rosie the Robot. It seems futuristic, but...

Robot Test Standards

Testing for Bisphenol A (BPA)

Testing for Bisphenol A  (BPA ) can be performed on several consumer products, as BPA is found in such things as hard plastics, canned goods, sporting goods, water bottles, electronics, toiletries, the lenses of glasses, and much more! BPA, or bisphenol a, is a...

Soap Testing to AOCS Standards

 The American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS ) is an international professional scientific society for individuals and corporations interested in fats, oils, surfactants, detergents, and related materials. Soap is made by combining fats or oils and an alkali, such as...

AOCS Soap Testing

What is the ASTM Standard for Bed Rails?

The importance of regulating bed rails to keep you and your family safe As a new parent, have you ever wondered if your young child is safe on their new twin bed? As a result of this, many parents purchase a new bed rail in hopes that it will keep their children...

Consumer Product Safety | Hardlines and Softlines Testing

Consumer product safety of hardlines and softlines is a major concern for most retailers and manufacturers. Hardlines and softlines testing, known as hard goods and soft goods, are two major types of testing. Softline goods are retail products like clothes, linens...

Consumer Product Safety

Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT)

What is CCIT? Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT) is done to evaluate the strength and integrity of a container closure system. Testing of container closures is important as it ensures a sterile barrier against microorganisms and other potentially dangerous...


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