

FDA’s Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) Testing

Contract Laboratory receives many requests from cosmetics and food companies for outsourcing their microbiology testing. Many of these companies want testing according to FDA BAM Standards.  BAM stands for the FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM). It is a US...

Salmonella Bacteria Testing in Food

Listeria Testing and Analysis

Listeriosis is generally contracted by eating food contaminated by the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. Listeria is found in soil, water, and some animals, such as poultry and cattle. It is unusual because it can grow in a refrigerator. Listeria monocytogenes...

Salmonella Testing and Analysis in Food

Need testing for salmonella done? A golden brown turkey, fragrant cornbread stuffing with sage and smooth creamy gravy. A classic traditional favorite at Thanksgiving. While families are finding their heirloom roasting pans and gravy bowls, manufacturers' and...

Antimicrobial Resistance Testing

With the overuse of antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance testing has been in the news a great deal.  Contract Laboratory frequently works with pharmaceutical and healthcare companies on their antimicrobial resistance testing. Antimicrobials are agents used to kill...

Antimicrobial Resistance Testing

Pet Food Testing for Campylobacter

Pet food testing is common to ensure it is free of disease-causing organisms such as campylobacter. Campylobacter is a bacterial infection that causes food poisoning that is somewhat common in puppies. It is estimated that as many as 49 percent of dogs carry the...

Pathogen Testing in the Food Industry

Pathogen testing is of major importance to the food industry as there are 31 known bacteria and virus-causing pathogens, and more unidentified agents, that cause foodborne illnesses. The elimination of these disease-causing pathogens is a desire for the entire food...

Cosmetics Microbiology Testing

From glittery eye shadow to SPF anti-aging skincare face creams, to water-proof eyelash mascara and glossy long-lasting lipsticks, cosmetics microbiology testing is important. Cosmetics come into contact with the human body and need to be safe from microorganisms...

Cosmetics Microbiology Testing

Microbiology Testing

Microbiology is the study of living organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye, like bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and algae, also known as microbes. Microbes play important roles in food, bodily functions, biodegradation, control of disease, and even...


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