

Analysis of Capsaicinoids for Scoville Heating Unit (SHU)

The Scoville Heat Scale, devised by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, has long been the benchmark for measuring the pungency of chili peppers and other spicy foods. While the original method was a sensory test, modern laboratory professionals rely on more objective, precise...

Pharmaceutical Drug USP Test Methods

U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) is an organization whose main goal is to help improve human health by creating standards to ensure higher quality and safer pharmaceuticals, foods, and dietary supplements (learn more about USP standards). The FDA enforces standards set by...

Pharmaceutical Drug USP Test Methods

Food Expiration Dating | Expiry | Stability

Did you know the only food item required by federal law to display an expiration date is infant formula? Other food products that display expiration dates voluntarily adhere to the labeling system as a way to protect the reputation of their products by ensuring...

Dietary Supplements | Polyherbal Formulation

A polyherbal formulation is a formulation made of two or more herbs. Polyherbalism is an Ayurvedic principle that suggests single herbal formulations are insufficient but when combined, they produce a greater result. Polyherbal formulations have recently gained...


Biosimilars are a class of pharmaceutical drug products that are similar to a currently licensed FDA biological product. Biosimilars can be more advantageous to both producers and consumers alike because they can be cheaper to produce. Biosimilar drugs differ from...



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