

93 Chemicals in Cigarettes | Tobacco Products

By now it is standard knowledge that chemicals in cigarettes and other tobacco containing products are dangerous. Due to their dangerous nature, the FDA requires tobacco producers to report the levels of Harmful or Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHCs) in their...

chemicals in cigarettes

Preclinical Drug Development

The drug development process is an iterative process. Each stage of development helps to ensure the final product is effective and safe. Preclinical drug development, often called preclinical studies, is the stage in the drug development process where the safety of...

US FDA Compliant Easter Egg Food Color Safety Testing

It's Easter weekend, and egg dyeing is in full force! Have you ever wondered about the food color safety testing of the easter egg dyes used on Easter eggs? Food coloring, dyes, and additives are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Egg dye is a food...

Minnesota’s CHRi Labs is More than Chemical Bonds

There's a strong family bond at CHRi's labs! If your company is pharmaceutical related and in the Midwest USA, you may want to focus your microscope on CHRi Labs. This is especially true if you like a special sense of caring and hand-holding that comes from working...

CHRi is a family owned Food Laboratory

Compounding Pharmacies | USP 797

Compounding pharmacies are pharmacies that create personalized medications by mixing ingredients based on a doctor's prescription in an effort to meet a person's needs. Though compounding pharmacies lost popularity in the 50s and 60s when mass drug manufacturing...

TRA | Toxicological Risk Assessment

Toxicological Risk Assessment, or TRA, are tests or services done to determine the potential risks from exposure to hazardous materials and substances. Toxicological risk assessments are performed on specific products and/or ingredients to determine whether they...

REACH Registration of Consumer Products

What is REACH registration, and what type of testing must be done for REACH registration? REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a regulation set forth by the European Union, that began in 2007. It was started as a way to...

FTIR Spectroscopy Testing and Analysis

FTIR is a type of  Spectroscopy known as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between radiation (electromagnetic radiation, or light, as well as particle radiation) and matter. There are many different types of...

a detailed illustration of a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) instrument within a contemporary laboratory setting

Phthalate Testing in Plastics and Polymers

Phthalates are colorless, odorless chemicals found in plastics and polymers including consumer products, toys, and even food containers. Phthalate consumption has been linked to birth defects, hormonal disruption, behavioral issues, fertility issues, obesity, and...

Extractables and Leachables Testing in Pharmaceuticals

Extractables and leachables testing helps the pharmaceutical industry identify extractables and leachables from drug packaging, containers, or container closures before they pose a risk to patients. Extractables extract from a container or device under controlled...

Extractables and Leachables Testing

Analysis of Capsaicinoids for Scoville Heating Unit (SHU)

The Scoville Heat Scale, devised by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, has long been the benchmark for measuring the pungency of chili peppers and other spicy foods. While the original method was a sensory test, modern laboratory professionals rely on more objective, precise...

Pharmaceutical Drug USP Test Methods

U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) is an organization whose main goal is to help improve human health by creating standards to ensure higher quality and safer pharmaceuticals, foods, and dietary supplements (learn more about USP standards). The FDA enforces standards set by...

Pharmaceutical Drug USP Test Methods


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