
The Importance of Pharmaceutical Particle Size Analysis

Particle size analysis, also known as micromeritics, is a commonly used technique in the pharmaceutical industry. Particle size is one of the most important factors that contributes to the efficacy of a drug product. Additionally, particle size also affects the...

by | Jan 15, 2023

Pharmaceutical Particle Size Analysis

Pharmaceutical Particle Size Analysis

Particle size analysis, also known as micromeritics, is a commonly used technique in the pharmaceutical industry. Particle size is one of the most important factors that contributes to the efficacy of a drug product. Additionally, particle size also affects the release of ingredients. The smaller the particle’s size, the faster it is dissolved in the body and the faster its effects can be felt.

Particle size also has an influence on the drug product’s overall physical stability. It helps keep the pharmaceutical in its correct form and remain intact throughout the manufacturing process and storage. Additionally, the size of the particles can alter the dosage of a drug.


Below are just a few of the test requests Contract Laboratory has received regarding particle size analysis:
  • Pharmaceutical laboratory needed for particle size analysis of an API using an alpine jet engine sieve shaker
  • Experienced pharma / nutritional supplement analytical chemistry laboratory needed for functional beverage testing for organic compound nano-particulate particle size determination, identification, and quantification of both inactive and active ingredients of two functional beverage products.
  • LONG-TERM TESTING A Pharmaceutical company needs a physical chemistry laboratory for particle size analysis of bulk drug active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) using Malvern 2000 or 3000 (laser technique).
  • A pharmaceutical laboratory is needed for particle size determination of pharmaceutical powder testing using an alpine air jet instrument.
  • Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry laboratory needed for particle size analysis using a Malvern Zetasizer ZS90 with the red laser and a stray-light filter.
  • FDA GMP Physical Chemistry Laboratory needed for GMP Air Jet Sieve testing for Particle Size

View more USP Particle Analysis laboratory test requests


OTC, Rx, Generic, Brandname, Parenteral, Solid-Dosage, Extended Release. There are many different types of pharmaceutical drug products. No matter what type of pharmaceutical drug product, Contract Laboratory can help with your pharmaceutical particle analysis.

Are you a pharmaceutical developer, manufacturer, distributor, or retailer that needs a pharmaceutical laboratory to perform particle size analysis or another USP drug or medicine product? We can save you time and money searching for labs. Just call us at 1-855-377-6821 or Submit a Pharmaceutical Laboratory Test Request!


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