
Methods and Standards

ISO-Certified Solar Eclipse Glasses

Viewing the total or partial solar eclipse can be an exciting event. However, experts have warned that no matter where you are, “it is never safe to look directly at the sun's rays — even if the sun is partly obscured,” as it can cause damage to the eyes. To avoid...

Analysis of Capsaicinoids for Scoville Heating Unit (SHU)

Capsaicinoids are the compounds responsible for the spicy heat of chili peppers, and their concentration is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This article explores the analysis of capsaicinoids, the methods used, and their significance in determining the pungency of...

image of hot peppers on a lab bench preparing for analysis of capsaicinoids

Pharmaceutical Drug USP Test Methods

U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) is an organization whose main goal is to help improve human health by creating standards to ensure higher quality and safer pharmaceuticals, foods, and dietary supplements (learn more about USP standards). The FDA enforces standards set by...

Pharmaceutical Drug USP Test Methods


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