

Ensuring Emission Safety According to EN 16738:2015

EN 16738:2015 is a European safety standard that addresses the emission of combustible air fresheners, including candles and incense. It describes testing methods to evaluate the release of Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOC's from these products and ensures that they...

close-up view of microscope showing lens and plate in profile

Laboratory Testing of Electronic Products

Exploring the importance and impacts of the electronics industry Electronics testing requires high standards of performance, safety, quality, durability, and functionality. Electronics have a vital role in our lives, powering devices, companies, and systems. We...

Electronics Testing

What is this?? Getting Unidentified Substance Testing

Not Exactly How TV Shows Perform Unknown Substances Testing Often exaggerated and glamorized in television shows, unknown substance testing isn't as glamorous or speedy in real-life laboratories. We’ve all seen it in those classic scenes—the main characters stumble...

pill bottle on blue background with question mark above spilled pills


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