
Laboratory Services

Water Analysis for Pollutants

Water analysis for pollutants is performed when contamination is suspected or on a routine basis to ensure the quality of a waterway such as  a body of water (lake, river, stream, ocean, etc). Water pollution generally comes from sources such as sewage treatment...

Water Analysis for Pollutants

Workplace Safety Testing

Emphasizing Laboratory Workplace Safety through Rigorous Testing In the world of scientific research and experimentation, laboratory safety is paramount. The unique environment of a laboratory, with its complex mix of chemicals, biological agents, and sophisticated...

Workplace Safety Testing

Phthalate Testing in Plastics and Polymers

Phthalates are colorless, odorless chemicals found in plastics and polymers including consumer products, toys, and even food containers. Phthalate consumption has been linked to birth defects, hormonal disruption, behavioral issues, fertility issues, obesity, and...

IES File Testing

LED Lighting IES File Testing Understanding IES File Testing: Illuminating the Path to Accurate Lighting Design In the dynamic world of lighting design and engineering, IES files stand out as a critical component in the accurate representation and simulation of how...

LED Lighting IES File Testing

ISO-Certified Solar Eclipse Glasses

Viewing the total or partial solar eclipse can be an exciting event. However, experts have warned that no matter where you are, “it is never safe to look directly at the sun's rays — even if the sun is partly obscured,” as it can cause damage to the eyes. To avoid...

NASM Aerospace Fastener Laboratory Testing

The National Aerospace Standards (NAS) are a comprehensive set of industry standards developed and maintained by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) of America. NAS standards encompass a wide range of aerospace components and systems, including fasteners,...

NASM AerospaceTesting

Non-destructive Testing

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a group of analytical techniques the technology industry uses to understand, evaluate, and determine properties of a material in an effort to assure that both structural and mechanical parts function safely and effectively. NDT is...

OECD Testing

OECD testing is a critical component of chemical safety and environmental protection efforts worldwide.

Lab bench with glass test tubes and flasks


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