
Consumer Products

Photometric Testing

Photometric testing is a crucial process in industries that deal with lighting and optics. It pertains to the measurement of light as perceived by the human eye. The rationale behind this is that human eyes do not respond uniformly to all wavelengths of light....

Photometric Testing

Dietary Supplements | Polyherbal Formulation

A polyherbal formulation is a formulation made of two or more herbs. Polyherbalism is an Ayurvedic principle that suggests single herbal formulations are insufficient but when combined, they produce a greater result. Polyherbal formulations have recently gained...

Snowstorm Blizzard Weathering Testing

With potential history-making Winter Storm Juno set to be a blizzard in 7 USA states almost upon us, manufacturers of outdoor products may be wondering how their products will hold up under the predicted extreme cold temperatures blustery wind, and 1-3 feet of...


Editor's Choice

Electronic Testing

Electronic Testing

Exploring the Importance and Impacts of the Electronics Industry. Electronics...

