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Calories in Holiday Treats

The holidays are full of cookies, fudge, pies, egg nog, and other fun, seasonal treats! Do you know the calorie content or nutritional value of your favorites? Need a laboratory for nutritional analysis of food or other food testing? Find a laboratory for all your...

Non-destructive Testing

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a group of analytical techniques the technology industry uses to understand, evaluate, and determine properties of a material in an effort to assure that both structural and mechanical parts function safely and effectively. NDT is...

What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Foods?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods  are created in a laboratory through genetic modification and engineering. Non-Genetically Modified Organisms (Non-GMO)  foods are those that have not been genetically modified. Many concerns regarding the safety of GMOs...

3 Free | Chemicals in Nail Polish

Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), toluene, and formaldehyde, are three chemicals known as the "toxic trio" often found in nail polish. Include formaldehyde resin (tosylamide/TSFR) and camphor and you've got five toxic ingredients, all commonly used to reduce cracking and...

What is XRD Analysis?

XRD analysis, short for X-ray diffraction analysis, is an analytical technique used for the identification of crystalline material. XRD can provide information such as cell dimensions, atomic arrangement, size, phase, etc. XRD is commonly used for phase...

illustration of an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) system. It showcases the setup within a laboratory environment, including the X-ray tube, crystalline sample mounted on a goniometer, and the detector for the diffracted X-rays.

Anti-Viral Testing and Research: What is it?

Need anti-viral testing and research? Contract Laboratory receives many requests for anti-viral testing. Today, we received a request from a University Medical researcher needing a laboratory for conducting In-Vitro testing of a polyherbal formulation against H1N1...

Medical Device Irritation Testing

Medical device irritation testing is a highly regulated industry (read more about medical device cleaning and validation) with requirements for cleaning, sterilization, reprocessing, and irritation testing. Similar to biocompatibility, irritation testing determines...

Medical Device Irritation Testing

Fruit Testing and Analysis. Fruit Tests and Analyses.

Why is fruit testing and analysis important? Apples oranges kiwis pears and lemons! Fruit testing and analyses are performed by farms, produce distributors, and food manufacturers before distribution for further manufacturing or consumption. In the realm of...

Fruit Testing and Analysis

National Nutrition Month

Did you know March is National Nutrition Month? The intent of National Nutrition Month is to educate and inform consumers of the importance of making healthy and informed food choices as well as developing good physical activity habits. The idea is to remind people...

National Nutrition Month


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