
Understanding Sanitary Standard (SSI)

The Sanitary Standard (SSI) is a globally recognized organization committed to setting and upholding rigorous sanitary and hygiene standards across various industries.

by | May 10, 2024

Upholding Hygiene and Safety in Every Industry

Contract Laboratory receives many Laboratory Requests looking for a laboratory to perform testing in compliance with the Sanitary Standard (SSI). For instance, we received one for testing a plastic according to the 3-A Sanitary Standard (SSI) for Multiple-Use Plastic Materials. For these plastic materials, the manufacturer wanted to determine a plastic Cleanability Response, Product Treatment, and Cleanability Comparison as per one of the Sanitary Standards (SSI).

While this request was for plastic materials, adherence to sanitary standards is important in a variety of industries. Whether it’s in food processing, healthcare facilities, or manufacturing plants, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is paramount for public health and safety.

What is SSI?

The Sanitary Standard (SSI) is a globally recognized organization committed to setting and upholding rigorous sanitary and hygiene standards across various industries. It was founded to safeguard public health and ensure consumer safety. It does this by SSI establishing guidelines, best practices, and standardized protocols for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in diverse settings.

Key Areas

Food Safety

From farm to fork, SSI sets rigorous standards for food processing, handling, and storage to prevent contamination and minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and laboratories, are hotspots for infectious diseases. Therefore, SSI establishes protocols for sanitation, sterilization, and waste management to maintain a clean and safe environment for patients, healthcare workers, and visitors.

Manufacturing and Production

In manufacturing and production facilities, cleanliness is essential to product quality and worker safety. SSI sets standards for facility sanitation, equipment sterilization, and personnel hygiene to prevent cross-contamination and ensure product integrity.

The Role of Sanitary Standards SSI Certification

Achieving Sanitary Standards SSI certification signifies a commitment to excellence in sanitation and hygiene. To obtain certification, companies undergo rigorous assessments and audits to demonstrate compliance with SSI standards.

How Sanitary Standards Make a Global Impact?

Sanitary Standard SSI’s influence extends far beyond USA borders. Through partnerships with foreign government agencies, non-profit organizations, and international bodies, SSI collaborates on global initiatives to improve sanitation and hygiene standards worldwide. By sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices, SSI protects public health on a global scale.

How Sanitary Standards SSI is Adapting to Change?

In an ever-evolving world, Sanitary Standards SSI monitors emerging threats and adapts its standards to address new challenges. Whether combating infectious diseases, addressing environmental concerns, or responding to technological advancements, SSI works to ensure its guidelines remain relevant and effective.

How Contract Laboratory Helps

Whether it’s for plastics, metals, or ceramics or testing in hospitals or food manufacturers, Contract Laboratory regularly receives Laboratory Requests for Sanitary Standards SSI testing to ensure compliance with Sanitary Standards SSI. Below are some examples of how Contract Laboratory helped companies with their Sanitary Standard Testing

  • India Company needs a Polymer Laboratory for testing three PVDF polymer grades tested according to 3-A Sanitary Standard for Multiple-­-Use Plastic materials. Please provide a quotation for the same so we can proceed further.
  • Independent testing facility needed to test Granular Virgin PTFE Resin/ Sheet sample for 3-A Sanitary Standard (SSI) for Multiple-Use Plastic Materials. The test will cover; a) Cleanability Response b) Product Treatment c) Cleanability Comparison
  • Polymer Laboratory needed for testing 3A sanitary standard analysis for multiple-use plastic material number 20-27 for one of our products.

If your company needs to find a laboratory for SSI testing, simply Submit a Lab Request. To learn more about the Sanitary Standard (SSI) and its initiatives, visit here.


  • Forner FDA specialist and founder of Contract Laboratory, Pamela has extensive experience in quality assurance and regulatory compliance within the pharmaceutical and food industries. She has a strong background in applying USP standards to ensure product safety, efficacy, and purity and has expertise spanning analytical testing, process validation, and global regulatory compliance.

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