
Testing for Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins found in various consumer products, including food containers, water bottles, and thermal paper receipts. Due to its potential health risks, such as endocrine...

by | Feb 21, 2023

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins found in various consumer products, including food containers, water bottles, and thermal paper receipts. Due to its potential health risks, such as endocrine disruption and its association with various diseases, BPA testing has become crucial. This article explores the principles, methods, significance, and the role of third-party testing labs in BPA testing.

Principles of BPA Testing

BPA testing aims to detect and quantify the presence of Bisphenol A in products to ensure they meet safety standards and regulations. Key principles include:

  1. Detection and Quantification: Using analytical methods to identify BPA presence and measure its concentration.
  2. Sample Preparation: Ensuring samples are appropriately prepared to accurately reflect BPA content.
  3. Analytical Techniques: Utilizing advanced technologies to provide precise and reliable results.

BPA Testing Methods

Several methods are employed in BPA testing, each suited to specific products and applications:

  1. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): A highly sensitive method used to separate, identify, and quantify BPA in various samples. It is widely used due to its accuracy and reliability.
  2. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS): Combines gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to detect BPA at very low concentrations. It is particularly useful for complex samples and provides detailed information about the presence of BPA.
  3. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): A cost-effective and relatively quick method for detecting BPA. ELISA kits are commonly used for screening large numbers of samples.
  4. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR): Utilizes infrared spectroscopy to identify and quantify BPA based on its unique molecular vibrations. FTIR is less common but useful for specific applications.
  5. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS): Similar to HPLC, LC-MS combines liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry for highly sensitive BPA detection and quantification.

Significance of BPA Testing

BPA testing is significant for several reasons, impacting public health, consumer safety, and regulatory compliance:

  1. Public Health Protection: Ensures products are safe for use and consumption, reducing the risk of BPA exposure and associated health issues.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Helps manufacturers meet regulatory standards and avoid legal consequences. Various regulations limit BPA levels in products, such as the FDA’s regulations for food contact materials and the EU’s REACH regulation.
  3. Consumer Confidence: Builds trust in brands and products by demonstrating a commitment to safety and quality.
  4. Environmental Protection: Identifies and controls sources of BPA contamination, reducing its environmental impact.

Role of Third-Party Testing Labs

Third-party testing labs play a crucial role in BPA testing by offering specialized expertise and resources:

  1. Advanced Analytical Techniques: Utilize state-of-the-art technology to provide accurate and reliable BPA testing.
  2. Experienced Technicians: Employ skilled professionals with extensive knowledge of BPA testing standards and methodologies.
  3. Unbiased Results: Provide objective and impartial test results, ensuring credibility and trustworthiness.
  4. Regulatory Support: Help manufacturers navigate complex regulatory requirements and ensure compliance.
  5. Customized Testing Solutions: Offer tailored testing services to meet specific needs

Ways Contract Laboratory Helps with BPA Testing

Are you a manufacturer or producer looking for a laboratory to test your product for safe BPA levels, or that it is BPA-free? Contact us today to see how we can help you find BPA testing laboratories! Call 1-855-377-6821 or submit a test request on our website!

Below you will find a few of the test requests we have helped facilitate from companies looking for laboratories for BPA testing:

  • FDA food packaging laboratory is needed for quality control, and food-grade verification testing of food-grade container products that are manufactured for a US firm in China. The food container is made of PP and TPE and needs to be tested to ensure it is FDA Food grade and BPA-free.
  • FDA food laboratory needed for FDA food contact material safety testing of plastic resealable containers to show it is BPA free.
  • Packaging company needs a laboratory for overall migration limit testing on 8 different plastic products including shrink film and PET for the specific limits of heavy metals, primary aromatic amines (PAA), phthalates, bisphenol amine (BPA), and PAN
  • Construction materials laboratory needed for bisphenol BPA testing in polypropylene sheets
  • Materials / Polymer laboratory needs for analytical chemistry testing: optical polarimetry for chirality of two separate bisphenol A (BPA) epoxy resins.
  • Regulatory Agency needs food laboratory BPA testing in baby food products for BPA levels
  • North America Materials Laboratory needed for Migration test of Bisphenol A BPA and other possible constituents under 21 CFR 175.300 (d) Table 1
  • China or Israel Food Chemistry and Product Safety Laboratory needed for food safety testing of lunch boxes made out of #5 PP plastic lunch boxes made out of #5 PP plastic BPA / Estrogenic Acids Microwave / Dishwasher safety Other toxic / metal leaches Recyclability
  • USA Consumer Products Laboratory needed for consumer products testing of silicone bands for BPA, as well as lead in the printing on the bands to see if it is child safe and BPA-free
  • plus many more plastics and packaging test requests!

Save yourself time and money by letting us help you find a testing laboratory!


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