
Analytical Chemistry

What is XRD Analysis?

XRD analysis, short for X-ray diffraction analysis, is an analytical technique used for the identification of crystalline material. XRD can provide information such as cell dimensions, atomic arrangement, size, phase, etc. XRD is commonly used for phase...

illustration of an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) system. It showcases the setup within a laboratory environment, including the X-ray tube, crystalline sample mounted on a goniometer, and the detector for the diffracted X-rays.

Analysis of Capsaicinoids for Scoville Heating Unit (SHU)

Capsaicinoids are the compounds responsible for the spicy heat of chili peppers, and their concentration is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This article explores the analysis of capsaicinoids, the methods used, and their significance in determining the pungency of...

image of hot peppers on a lab bench preparing for analysis of capsaicinoids


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