
Electron Microscopy: SEM and TEM Analysis

Analyses by Scanning Electron Microscopes and Transmission Electron Microscopes Today, we received a request from a company needing to outsource a laboratory for Electron Microscopy:  SEM and TEM Analysis. Both SEM and TEM are abbreviations for different forms of Electron...

by | Apr 21, 2023

Analyses by Scanning Electron Microscopes and Transmission Electron Microscopes

Today, we received a request from a company needing to outsource a laboratory for Electron Microscopy:  SEM and TEM Analysis. Both SEM and TEM are abbreviations for different forms of Electron Microscopy.

SEM is a form of microscopy known as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM produces images of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons.

Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM

Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM

TEM is a form of microscopy known as Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In TEM, a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen.

Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM

Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM

Contract Laboratory has helped many companies in their outsourcing of SEM and TEM Analysis. Below are some examples:

  • A Microscopy Imaging Laboratory is needed for Scanning Thermal Microscopy on rock samples. 100nm or sub-100nm resolution is required.
  • University Research Scientist needs an Advanced Materials Laboratory for scientific research study: Study of the order-disorder transformations and mechanical properties of metallic alloys (Au-Cu and Au-Cu-Ag) X-Ray Diffraction SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy microhardness measurements, TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy. The samples used in this study were prepared by melting by using highly pure material to have the following compositions: Au – Cu and Au- Cu – Ag,
  • Europe Biotechnology Researcher needs a genetics laboratory for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to identify plasmid DNA replication intermediates
  • India pharmaceutical analytical chemistry laboratory is needed for scanning electron microscopy of different samples of pharmaceutical liquid and solid formulations
  • Microscopy Laboratory needed for scanning electron microscope SEM images taken of a 2 denier Acrylic fiber to look for evidence of fiber finish on the surface or in cracks in the fiber surface. Please specify costs.
  • A nanotechnology laboratory is needed for the microscopy of nano-carbons in raw ore by Scanning Electron Microscope SEM
  • University Researcher needs Materials Laboratory for a quote for several scanning electron microscopy images complete with elemental analysis (like by EDS) at several important (as determined by a qualified analyst) locations within samples. This data should, in many cases, be sufficient for mineral characterization and identification within the sample, which should also be provided by the analyst.
  • Biotechnology company needs a laboratory for Transmission Electron Microscopy and Will send 6-8 biological (exosome preps) samples on ice. The testing should be done within 48 hours. Samples should be kept at 4 degrees C
  • University Researcher needs microbiology laboratory for TEM Analysis: Transmission Electron Microscopy for bacterial cells (sample preparation for TEM is also needed)
  • Microscopy and imaging non-destructive materials laboratory needed for (SEM) Analysis color SEM images

And many more! View more Electron Microscopy SEM and TEM analysis projects at Contract Laboratory at Incoming Laboratory Test Request


If your research needs a contract laboratory for Electron Microscopy TEM and SEM analysis, call toll-free 24/7 at 1-877-355-6821 or Submit a Laboratory Test Request

Want to purchase a Scanning Electron Microscope or Transmission Electron Microscope for your laboratory? Visit our Electron Microscope Laboratory Suppliers Directories.


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