
Proteins and Peptide Testing: Methods, Applications, Safety and Quality

Accredited third-party protein testing labs uphold the highest QA standards, ensuring the safety and efficacy of food, drugs, and biotherapeutics

by | May 6, 2024

In the pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals industry, rigorous testing is imperative to guarantee the safety and efficacy of products before they hit the market. From the initial stages of drug discovery to the final product release, meticulous proteins and peptide testing is pivotal. These tests aid in product development and impact the quality standards significantly.

Proteins and peptides are fundamental building blocks of life, with diverse roles ranging from structural support to enzymatic catalysis. Proteins consist of one or more polypeptide chains, folded into intricate three-dimensional structures, while peptides are shorter chains of amino acids. Their unique structures and functions make them indispensable in various biological processes.

The Importance of Protein Analysis

Testing proteins and peptides serves several crucial purposes:

  • Quality Control: Ensuring the purity, integrity, and consistency of protein and peptide products, whether synthesized or extracted from natural sources.
  • Functionality Assessment: Determining the biological activity, stability, and efficacy of proteins and peptides in different environments.
  • Safety Evaluation: Identifying potential contaminants, chemical intermediates, or harmful substances that may compromise product safety.
  • Research and Development: Facilitating the discovery of novel proteins and peptides for therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or industrial applications.

Proteins and Peptide Testing Methods

A variety of techniques are employed to analyze proteins and peptides:

  1. Chromatography: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) are used for separating and quantifying proteins and peptides based on their physicochemical properties.
  2. Mass Spectrometry (MS): This technique accurately determines the molecular weight and identifies protein sequences.
  3. Spectroscopy: UV-visible, fluorescence, and infrared spectroscopy provide insights into the structural and conformational properties of proteins and peptides.
  4. Bioassays: Functional assays assess the biological activity and efficacy of proteins and peptides in vitro and in vivo.
  5. Immunological Methods: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting are employed for detecting and quantifying specific proteins or peptides.

Applications of Peptides Beyond Pharmaceuticals

Proteins and peptides find applications across various industries. Here are a few common ones:

  1. Food and Beverage: Testing ensures the safety and authenticity of food products, detecting allergens, pathogens, and adulterants.
  2. Biotechnology: Proteins and peptides are used in biomanufacturing, enzyme engineering, and biomaterials development, requiring rigorous testing for quality assurance (QA).
  3. Cosmetics and Personal Care: Peptides are increasingly used in skincare formulations for their antiaging and skin-rejuvenating properties, necessitating safety and efficacy testing.
  4. Environmental Monitoring: Protein-based biosensors can detect pollutants, pathogens, and biomarkers in environmental samples.

Regulatory and Compliance Standards in Protein Testing

Adhering to regulatory standards, such as GLP, ISO, USP, cGMP, FDA regulations, Ph. Eur., and GCLP, is paramount when carrying out protein testing to ensure the reliability, accuracy, and safety of analytical results. These standards provide guidelines and benchmarks that protein testing laboratories and third-party service providers must follow to maintain quality and compliance. Following are some of the regulatory standards commonly observed by protein testing labs:

  1. Good Laboratory Practices (GLP): GLP regulations ensure the consistency, integrity, and reliability of data generated in laboratory studies. These standards encompass various aspects of laboratory operations, including personnel qualifications, facility requirements, equipment calibration, data documentation, and QA procedures.
  2. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards: ISO standards provide internationally recognized guidelines for quality management systems, laboratory testing, and calibration procedures. For protein testing, laboratories may adhere to ISO 17025, which specifies general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of analytical results.
  3. United States Pharmacopeia (USP): USP standards are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry to establish the quality, purity, and potency of drug substances and products. Protein testing labs may reference USP monographs, general chapters, and compendial methods for testing proteins, peptides, and related biologics.
  4. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP): cGMP regulations outline the minimum requirements for the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storage of pharmaceutical products. Protein testing labs involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing must comply with cGMP standards to ensure product quality, safety, and efficacy.
  5. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations: In the US, protein testing labs engaged in developing, manufacturing, and/or testing food and pharmaceutical products are subject to FDA regulations. These regulations govern various aspects of product quality, safety, labeling, and reporting requirements, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and guidelines.
  6. European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.): The European Pharmacopoeia provides standards for the quality control of medicinal products, biotherapeutics, and healthcare-related substances. Like with the USP standards, protein testing labs may reference Ph. Eur. monographs and general chapters for testing procedures and specifications applicable to proteins, peptides, and related biologics.
  7. Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP): GCLP guidelines outline the principles and best practices for the conduct of laboratory testing in clinical trials. Protein testing labs involved in clinical research must adhere to GCLP standards to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of clinical laboratory data generated during the trials.

Therefore, proteins and peptides play pivotal roles across diverse fields, and thorough testing is essential to ensure their quality, safety, and efficacy. From pharmaceuticals to food science and beyond, the rigorous examination of these biomolecules underpins innovation and reliability in product development and manufacturing processes. 

How Contract Laboratory Assists with Proteins and Peptide Testing

By employing state-of-the-art testing methodologies, industries can harness the potential of proteins and peptides to address pressing challenges and meet evolving consumer demands effectively. Third-party testing laboratories and facilities are pivotal in protein testing as they offer specialized expertise, cutting-edge facilities, comprehensive and customizable services, independent validation, regulatory compliance, and above all, flexibility and scalability. 

Also, partnering with ISO 17025-certified or equivalently accredited third-party labs on Contract Laboratory gives industries, research facilities, small corporations, and individuals access to a wealth of resources and capabilities to support their protein testing needs, ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of their products and processes.

Looking for proteins and peptide testing? Simply Submit a Laboratory Request, or Contact Us for more information.

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  • Swathi Kodaikal, MSc, holds a master’s degree in biotechnology and has worked in places where actual science and research happen. Blending her love for writing with science, Swathi enjoys demystifying complex research findings for readers from all walks of life. On the days she's not writing, she learns and performs Kathak, sings, makes plans to travel, and obsesses over cleanliness.

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