
New Method of Drug Delivery, NIST Technique Creates Nanocontainers

Have doctors developed a new method for drug delivery? A new technology that could allow very precise methods for ‪drug delivery‬ was announced on April 7, 2016, by the US National Standards for Standards and Technology NIST when thy announced a new patent. ‪In this...

by | Feb 1, 2023

Have doctors developed a new method for drug delivery?

A new technology that could allow very precise methods for drug delivery‬ was announced on April 7, 2016, by the US National Standards for Standards and Technology NIST when thy announced a new patent.

 Newly Patented NIST Technique Creates Precisely Sized Nanocontainers Useful for Drug Delivery

Newly Patented NIST Technique Creates Precisely Sized Nanocontainers Useful for Drug Delivery

‪In this nanotechnology, microfluidics‬ are used to create precise ‪‎liposome‬ nanoscale‬ spherical capsules. Liposomes are ‪‎biomolecules‬ made of lipids‬. To develop very precise methods for delivery, the liposome could be used to  hold drugs and the outside could be coated with receptors to bind to specific cancer cells. Further pharmaceutical implications could be for on-demand drug formulations that could be used in personalized or precision medicine.

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  • Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for Accelerated stability testing for single Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient API
  • USFDA GLP preclinical contract research organization laboratory needed for method development Need to develop bio assay for antibiotics
  • FDA GLP laboratory needed for pharmaceutical testing: Cryo TEM analysis of liposomal injections
  • Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for validation of finished product assay test methods and stability testing for glactomannan in tablet form.

Does your‪ pharmaceutical‬ or biotechnology‬ company need a Contract Research Organization for drug delivery development from ‪‎nanomaterials‬ ? We can help. Simply, call 1-855-377-6821 or Submit Nanotechnology‬ Test Request 

Read entire NIST article


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