
Metals Fatigue Testing

Fatigue testing of metals involves multiple loading tests that mimic different stress conditions

by | Mar 27, 2024

No matter, if your metals are copper, steel, or bronze, fatigue testing of metals, evaluates how metals behave under repeated cyclic loading. Fatigue testing helps engineers and researchers understand how a material’s mechanical properties change over time, especially when exposed to varying levels of stress. This is crucial in industries where metals are subjected to stressful conditions such as the aerospace and automotive industries.

Various international organizations such as ASTM and ISO provide guidelines and standards for conducting fatigue testing. Fatigue testing is conducted on specimens that have a specific geometry by subjecting the metal to cyclic loading that simulates real-world conditions.

How is fatigue testing performed?

The loading can be axial (tension and compression) or torsional (twisting or flexural). This cyclic loading induces alternating stress on the metal to see how the metal responds to different conditions. The number of cycles to failure is a critical parameter measured during fatigue testing. This is known as the fatigue life or endurance limit. 

After the testing, the metal is examined to understand the failure modes. Fracture surfaces are often analyzed using microscopy. This can help make important decisions on where the metals can be used. 

How Contract Laboratory helps with fatigue testing 

Contract Laboratory can help manufacturers and engineers with their fatigue testing of different types of metals from stainless steel to brass. Below are some examples:

  • Materials Testing Laboratory required for fatigue testing of metallic samples Fatigue tests. Material: 300M(HS)(VAR) Material Hardness:52-55 HRC
  • Aerospace Laboratory needed for SAFRAN Landing System Accreditation ASTM fatigue and fracture toughness testing of metallic materials according to the following ASTM Test Standards. ASTM E466 Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials Material: 300M(HS)(VAR) Fatigue Test Spec. : ASTM E466 , MTL 1201, PCS 4110, PCS 2300, PCS 1100 Note: Need SAFRAN Accreditation Fracture Toughness Test Spec. : ASTM E399 Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials, MTL 1201, PCS 1100 Note: Need SAFRAN Accreditation
  • Orthopedic Implant Manufacturer needs a Medical Device Laboratory for the following biomechanical testing: – Static Compression – Flexion – Extension moment – Static Torsion – Fatigue & Bending Fatigue
  • Materials Laboratory needed for Aluminum 7050 sample testing for Fatigue and static coupons to meet ASTM E399, E561, E466, and E647 standards.

Does your company need a laboratory for fatigue testing? No matter if your metal is stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, zinc, copper, brass, or another metal, Contract Laboratory can help! Simply Submit a Laboratory Request for your metal fatigue testing.


  • Forner FDA specialist and founder of Contract Laboratory, Pamela has extensive experience in quality assurance and regulatory compliance within the pharmaceutical and food industries. She has a strong background in applying USP standards to ensure product safety, efficacy, and purity and has expertise spanning analytical testing, process validation, and global regulatory compliance.

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