
Landfill Testing for Petroleum Contamination

Managing landfill contamination requires regular monitoring and testing

by | Mar 14, 2024

Landfills are tested for petroleum contamination to assess the potential environmental impact of disposed petroleum-based materials. Testing is crucial to identify and manage any contamination that may pose risks to soil, water, and surrounding ecosystems.

What are Landfill Petroleum Contaminants?

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): PAHs are a group of organic compounds containing multiple fused aromatic rings. They are often found in petroleum-based products and can be released during the decomposition of certain waste materials in landfills.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Various VOCs, including those derived from petroleum, can be present in landfill gas and leachate. Examples include xylene, ethylene, and propylene.

BTEX Compounds:

  • Benzene: A known carcinogen, benzene is present in gasoline and various industrial products. It can leach into the soil and groundwater in landfills.
  • Toluene: Found in solvents, paints, and adhesives, toluene is a common landfill contaminant that can impact water quality.
  • Ethylbenzene: Used in the production of plastics, ethylbenzene can be released from disposed materials in landfills.
  • Phenols: Phenolic compounds can be present in petroleum-based products, and their release into landfill leachate can contribute to water contamination.

Heavy Metals:

  • Lead: Found in batteries and certain petroleum products, lead can contaminate landfill sites and pose risks to soil and water quality.
  • Cadmium: Present in certain plastics and batteries, cadmium can leach into the environment and pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems

Fuel and Oil Components:

  • Hydrocarbons: The basic components of petroleum, hydrocarbons include substances like alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. They can be released from various waste materials in landfills.
  • Diesel and Gasoline Components: Specific hydrocarbons found in diesel and gasoline, such as octane and cetane, can contaminate landfills if not properly managed.
  • Plastics and Synthetic Polymers: Landfills often contain a significant amount of plastic waste, which may release various chemicals during degradation, including petroleum-based additives and byproducts.
  • Additives and Admixtures: Various additives and admixtures present in petroleum-based products, such as antioxidants, stabilizers, and dyes, can contribute to landfill contamination.

How are Landfills Tested for Petroleum Contamination?

Several methods are employed to test landfills for petroleum:

  • Soil Sampling and Analysis:
    • Grab Sampling: Samples of soil are collected from different locations within the landfill using a grab sampler. These samples are then analyzed to determine the presence and concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons.
    • Core Sampling: Soil cores are extracted from specific depths within the landfill to provide a vertical profile of contamination. This method helps assess the extent of petroleum contamination over time.
  • Groundwater Monitoring:
    • Monitoring Wells: Wells are installed around the landfill to monitor groundwater quality. Samples are collected from these wells and analyzed for petroleum contaminants to assess the impact on groundwater quality.
  • Surface Water Sampling:
    • Runoff and Surface Water Analysis: Surface water runoff from landfills can carry contaminants into nearby water bodies. Samples from surface water sources are collected and tested for petroleum products to evaluate their impact on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Gas Monitoring:
    • Vapor Intrusion Testing: Landfills can emit gasses, including volatile petroleum compounds, into the air. Vapor intrusion testing involves sampling indoor air to assess if petroleum vapors are entering buildings from the landfill.
  • Geophysical Surveys:
    • Electromagnetic and Ground Penetrating Radar: These methods are used to detect buried waste and potential pathways for petroleum migration. They help in identifying areas of concern for further investigation.
  • Chemical Analysis:
    • Gas Chromatography (GC) and Mass Spectrometry (MS): These analytical techniques are commonly used to identify and quantify specific petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, water, or gas samples collected from landfills.
  • Biological Monitoring:
    • Microbial Analysis: Certain bacteria and microorganisms can break down petroleum contaminants. Monitoring the microbial activity in soil or groundwater can provide insights into the natural attenuation processes occurring within the landfill.
  • Remote Sensing Techniques:
    • Satellite Imagery and Aerial Surveys: Remote sensing technologies can be used to identify potential signs of petroleum contamination, such as changes in vegetation or surface features.
  • Compliance Monitoring:
    • Regulatory Compliance Testing: Landfills are subject to environmental regulations, and compliance monitoring involves regular testing to ensure that the facility adheres to regulatory standards for petroleum and other contaminants.

How Contract Laboratory Helps with Landfill Petroleum Contamination Testing

Regular and systematic testing using a combination of these methods helps landfill operators, environmental consultants, and regulatory agencies assess the impact of petroleum on the environment, implement appropriate remediation measures, and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Below are some examples of how Contract Laboratory has helped with landfill petroleum contamination testing:

  • Contract Laboratory needed for EPA landfill testing of coconut coir for leachates of petroleum and hydrocarbons in compliance with SW-846 (Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Wastes)
  • Environmental Laboratory needed for waste testing that will be removed from an old, unlicensed landfill.
  • USA Laboratory needed for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP testing according to EPA standards for landfills.
  • Europe Environmental Laboratory needed for environmental analysis of industrial residues for the purpose of admission in landfills, according to the Portuguese legislation DL 120-D/2020 ( pages 25-153 and 25-154. This implies:- leaching of the sample according to EN 12457 analysis of the eluate for the following parameters: As, Ba, Cd, total Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn, chloride, fluoride, sulfate, phenol index, dissolved organic carbon, and total dissolved solids.- analysis of the following parameters in the sample: total organic carbon, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene), PCB (polychlorobipheniles), mineral oils (C10 to C40), and PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
  • Texas oil laboratory needed for ASTM Testing: landfill gas Testing of petrochemicals to ASTM 1946M ASTM D5504 ASTM D6667
  • Laboratory required for component analysis of landfill and digester gas to include hydrocarbons, hydrogen, inerts, sulfur compounds, halogen compounds, and siloxanes

If your company needs help with landfill petroleum contamination testing, Submit a Laboratory Request


  • Forner FDA specialist and founder of Contract Laboratory, Pamela has extensive experience in quality assurance and regulatory compliance within the pharmaceutical and food industries. She has a strong background in applying USP standards to ensure product safety, efficacy, and purity and has expertise spanning analytical testing, process validation, and global regulatory compliance.

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