Contract Laboratory is the largest web-based platform for facilitating and centralizing laboratory outsourcing and scientific sourcing.
Contract Laboratory knows laboratory outsourcing and scientific sourcing! As the first and largest web-based platform for facilitating and centralizing laboratory outsourcing and scientific sourcing, Contract Laboratory has helped facilitate over 80,000 laboratory requests from all around the world. Our laboratory specialists are always ready to answer your questions! Some common outsourcing questions include:
What is laboratory outsourcing?
Laboratory outsourcing is the process of finding an external or independent laboratory to perform all or certain aspects of scientific testing. Outsourcing is generally chosen because of the cost savings that an independent laboratory offers over in-house testing.
Why choose to outsource your laboratory services?
Overall, outsourcing provides cost savings, time, and complexity of in-house testing. Outsourcing has proven to reduce costs and provide faster time to market. This allows companies to spend more time and energy on marketing and business operations. Outsourcing also allows you to choose experienced and trained experts to perform your testing. Other benefits of outsourcing include greater in-house laboratory productivity and improved performance.
Who can outsource laboratory services?
Any company needing any type of laboratory testing or scientific research is eligible to outsource their testing. Worldwide industries from pharmaceuticals to automotive are commonly outsourcing their testing needs.
What types of testing do labs outsource?
Outsourcing can include quality control, technical support, safety testing, research and development, and any other testing a company or organization may need.
How does Contract Laboratory help facilitate outsourcing?
Contract Laboratory can help you find a laboratory to perform your testing by displaying your test request needs on our website for independent laboratories to see and respond to. Submit your company’s laboratory test request on our website, or Contact Us for more information.
If you are an independent laboratory looking to increase your laboratory business, view our test requests from companies needing independent laboratories to perform their scientific research and testing.