
Laboratory Guide to Thermal Runaway Testing: Ensuring Battery Safety and Reliability

From electric vehicles to renewable energy storage, thermal runaway testing helps prevent catastrophic failures, ensuring the safety of consumers and industries alike.

by | Sep 10, 2024

Thermal runaway is a critical safety concern, particularly in energy storage systems such as lithium-ion batteries. When batteries experience thermal runaway, a rapid and uncontrolled rise in temperature occurs, leading to hazardous consequences like fires, explosions, or toxic gas emissions. Thermal runaway testing plays a crucial role in evaluating and mitigating these risks, ensuring the safety and reliability of batteries in various applications, including electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and energy storage systems.

This article provides an in-depth look at thermal runaway testing, its significance, the methods used, and its applications across industries.

What is Thermal Runaway?

Thermal runaway occurs when the heat generated inside a battery exceeds the rate at which it can be dissipated. This self-accelerating process leads to further temperature increases, ultimately causing the battery to fail catastrophically. Common causes of thermal runaway include:

  1. Overcharging: Excessive charging leads to increased internal temperatures, breaking down battery components and triggering thermal runaway.
  2. Short Circuits: Internal or external short circuits can cause excessive heat, leading to a thermal runaway event.
  3. Mechanical Damage: Physical damage to a battery can compromise its integrity and induce thermal runaway.
  4. Overheating: High operating temperatures can cause components inside the battery to decompose, producing additional heat and gases.

Why is Thermal Runaway Testing Important?

Thermal runaway testing is essential for ensuring the safety and performance of batteries. This testing helps manufacturers understand how their products will behave under extreme conditions, providing insights into potential failure modes. Some of the key reasons for conducting thermal runaway testing include:

  • Preventing Accidents: Batteries that experience thermal runaway can cause fires, explosions, or toxic gas releases, posing a significant safety hazard.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Thermal runaway testing ensures compliance with international safety standards, such as UN 38.3, IEC 62133, and UL 1642.
  • Product Reliability: Testing helps improve the reliability and durability of batteries, especially for critical applications like electric vehicles and aerospace.
  • Customer Confidence: By conducting thorough testing, manufacturers can demonstrate the safety of their products, leading to greater customer trust and satisfaction.

Methods of Thermal Runaway Testing

There are several methods used to evaluate the risk of thermal runaway in batteries. These methods assess how batteries respond to various stress factors such as heat, mechanical stress, and electrical abuse. Common thermal runaway testing methods include:

1. Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC)

Accelerating rate calorimetry is a widely used method to assess the thermal stability of batteries. ARC measures the heat output from a battery under increasing temperatures, helping to determine the conditions that could trigger thermal runaway.

  • How it Works: In an ARC test, the battery is placed inside a calorimeter. The temperature is gradually increased until the battery begins to generate heat uncontrollably. The test measures parameters such as heat generation rate and onset temperature.
  • Applications: ARC is useful for testing battery safety under thermal stress and evaluating thermal management systems in energy storage devices.

2. External Short Circuit Testing

External short circuit testing simulates conditions where a battery’s external terminals are shorted, causing a high current to flow. This test evaluates the battery’s ability to withstand short-circuit events without triggering thermal runaway.

  • How it Works: The battery is subjected to an intentional short circuit by connecting its terminals with a low-resistance path. The test monitors temperature, voltage, and any physical changes, such as venting or fire.
  • Applications: This test is crucial for electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and medical devices, where battery safety is paramount.

3. Overcharge Testing

Overcharge testing involves charging the battery beyond its recommended voltage limits to determine its behavior when subjected to electrical abuse.

  • How it Works: The battery is overcharged at a controlled rate, and parameters such as temperature, voltage, and pressure are monitored. The test continues until the battery reaches thermal runaway or fails in a controlled manner.
  • Applications: This test is commonly used for testing lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles, energy storage systems, and mobile devices.

4. Nail Penetration Testing

Nail penetration testing simulates mechanical damage to a battery, such as a puncture or crushing event, which could lead to an internal short circuit and thermal runaway.

  • How it Works: A nail or sharp object is driven into the battery to simulate a puncture. The test monitors for any signs of thermal runaway, such as a rapid temperature rise, venting, or fire.
  • Applications: Nail penetration testing is essential for evaluating battery safety in electric vehicles, aerospace applications, and industrial energy storage systems.

5. Thermal Stability Testing

Thermal stability testing involves exposing the battery to high temperatures to evaluate its thermal stability and resistance to overheating.

  • How it Works: The battery is placed in a temperature-controlled environment and subjected to progressively higher temperatures. The test monitors the battery’s behavior, including any signs of thermal runaway, such as gas generation or fire.
  • Applications: This test is commonly used in the design and validation of batteries for electric vehicles, renewable energy storage, and aerospace.

6. Gas Analysis

During thermal runaway, batteries release gases due to the decomposition of materials within the cell. Gas analysis tests identify and quantify the gases released, helping assess the potential risks of fire, explosion, and toxicity.

  • How it Works: The gases emitted during thermal runaway are collected and analyzed using techniques such as gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. The composition of the gases provides insights into the severity of the thermal runaway event.
  • Applications: Gas analysis is used in automotive, aerospace, and industrial sectors where understanding the hazards posed by battery failures is critical.

Standards and Regulations for Thermal Runaway Testing

Thermal runaway testing is a requirement in many industries and is governed by international standards that ensure the safety of battery systems. Key standards include:

  • UN 38.3: This United Nations standard defines testing requirements for lithium batteries used in transport, including overcharge, short circuit, and thermal runaway tests.
  • IEC 62133: This standard specifies safety requirements for secondary cells and batteries, particularly lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries.
  • UL 1642: UL 1642 covers the safety of lithium-ion cells and provides guidelines for short circuit, overcharge, and thermal runaway testing.
  • ISO 12405: This standard outlines performance testing and safety requirements for battery systems used in electric vehicles, including thermal runaway testing.

Applications of Thermal Runaway Testing

Thermal runaway testing is crucial in various industries where battery safety and reliability are paramount. Key applications include:

1. Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Lithium-ion batteries power electric vehicles and thermal runaway poses a significant safety risk, particularly in high-performance applications. Thermal runaway testing ensures that EV batteries can withstand abuse conditions such as overcharging, mechanical damage, and short circuits.

Key Testing Requirements:

  • Testing for external short circuits and mechanical damage.
  • Evaluating battery thermal management systems.
  • Ensuring compliance with automotive safety standards.

2. Consumer Electronics

Devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets rely on rechargeable batteries, and thermal runaway incidents have led to product recalls and safety concerns. Thermal runaway testing helps ensure the safety and durability of consumer electronic devices.

Key Testing Requirements:

  • Evaluating battery safety under overcharge and short circuit conditions.
  • Ensuring battery reliability under high usage and charging conditions.
  • Testing for compliance with safety standards.

3. Renewable Energy Storage

Energy storage systems (ESS) for solar and wind power rely on large battery banks to store energy. These systems require rigorous thermal runaway testing to ensure they can operate safely in various environmental conditions.

Key Testing Requirements:

  • Assessing battery thermal stability in long-term storage.
  • Testing for potential gas emissions during thermal runaway.
  • Evaluating the performance of battery management systems (BMS).

4. Aerospace and Defense

Batteries used in aerospace and defense applications must meet stringent safety standards due to the high-risk environments in which they operate. Thermal runaway testing ensures that these batteries perform safely and reliably in extreme conditions.

Key Testing Requirements:

  • Testing for thermal stability and gas emissions.
  • Evaluating battery safety in high-altitude or space environments.
  • Ensuring battery compliance with military and aerospace standards.

How Contract Laboratory Assists with Thermal Runaway Testing

Thermal runaway testing is a critical component of battery safety and reliability. By assessing how batteries respond to stress factors like overheating, overcharging, and mechanical damage, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet safety standards and perform reliably in various applications. From electric vehicles to renewable energy storage, thermal runaway testing helps prevent catastrophic failures, ensuring the safety of consumers and industries alike.

For more information on runaway testing and other battery safety services, visit, your trusted resource for finding third-party testing labs and services.


  • Trevor Henderson BSc (HK), MSc, PhD (c), is the Creative Services Director for the Laboratory Products Group at LabX Media Group. He has more than three decades of experience in the fields of scientific and technical writing, editing, and creative content creation. With academic training in the areas of human biology, physical anthropology, and community health, he has a broad skill set of both laboratory and analytical skills. Since 2013, he has been working with LabX Media Group developing content solutions that engage and inform scientists and laboratorians.

    View all posts Director, Creative Services - LabX Media Group

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