Preventing Biofilm Formation in Industrial Systems
Biofilms pose a persistent threat to a wide array of industrial systems, driving up costs, compromising product quality, and triggering regulatory concerns.
OUTSOURCE! belongs to the Contract Laboratory Network
Biofilms pose a persistent threat to a wide array of industrial systems, driving up costs, compromising product quality, and triggering regulatory concerns.
Boost sterility testing efficiency in manufacturing with automation, data management, and cost-saving strategies to ensure compliance and product safety.
The future of industrial microbiology promises even greater strides—from synthetic biology to precision fermentation—enabling more efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective bioprocesses.
By employing advanced techniques to evaluate structural, chemical, mechanical, and environmental properties, laboratories ensure that these materials meet their full potential while maintaining safety and compliance.
Using environmental monitoring, industrial hygienists develop new methods and practices to help mitigate potential hazards.
Metal fatigue testing is a critical process in determining the durability and lifespan of metallic materials when subjected to repeated stress over time. Whether it's for automotive, aerospace, civil engineering, or manufacturing applications, metals fatigue...
Regular TAN and TBN testing provide valuable insights into the condition of lubricating oils, allowing operators to take proactive measures to maintain equipment reliability.
Friday, February 9, 2024 WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation announced a $5 million funding opportunity for a research initiative on the use of steel slag in cement and concrete. This funding will support a partnership between the U.S. DOT, in...
ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, plays a crucial role in establishing standards and guidelines for building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability within the HVAC...
Dissolved Gas Analysis is an indispensable tool for maintaining the health and reliability of oil-filled transformers.
March 06, 2023 Houston, Texas – Intertek, a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide, will join fellow corrosion and coatings industry companies March 19-23 at the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Conference and...
Several types of corrosion testing are available to assess the durability and resilience of metals under various conditions
Looking for a laboratory to do composite testing? Two new ASTM Standards for the testing of the plastic composites pultruded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials will be released. The new ASTM Standards are ASTM D7792, the Test Method for Measuring the Effect...
SAE standards play a crucial role in various testing processes, from the initial design phase to the final product validation.
Adhesive testing evaluates the bonding strength and performance of adhesives across various applications.
Audit preparedness is essential for contract laboratories and testing...
Q. Please tell us about yourself. What brought you to your current position? I...