
What is the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)?

IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the largest professional technical organization whose purpose is to advance technology to benefit humankind. They set standards relating to engineering, computing, electrical, robotics, nanotechnology, and other technologies. Formed in 1963 when two different...

by | Apr 21, 2023

IEEE standards

IEEE standards improve the way people live while expanding the international market and still promoting safety and public health.

IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the largest professional technical organization whose purpose is to advance technology to benefit humankind. They set standards relating to engineering, computing, electrical, robotics, nanotechnology, and other technologies. Formed in 1963 when two different technology-based societies combined, IEEE is made up of members across many technical fields including computer scientists, software developers, IT professionals, doctors, scientists, physicists, and more. IEEE serves its members by supporting 39 societies, 130 journals and magazines, 300 conferences a year, and 900 active standards. Now a global institution, IEEE has over 395,000 members located in more than 160 countries.

The IEEE-SA (Standards Association) is the organization that sets and develops IEEE standards relating to technology. With collaboration from professionals in many different disciplines, IEEE standards help to improve the way people live while expanding the international market and still promoting safety and public health.

Contract Laboratory has helped many companies and organizations to test their products for IEEE standards compliance, like the following:

  • A large corporation needs an electrical laboratory for IEEE testing of P54x differential relays to determine IEEE C37.94-2002 compliance using jitter and wander tests.
  • Industrial Third-Party ISO 17025 Laboratory needed for IEEE, ANSI, and UL Testing of 9 cables flammability and toxicity testing: FT4/IEE1202 flame propagation test and ANSI/UL1685 smoke release test, and BSS7239 toxicity test
  • Physical Laboratory needed for ANSI/ IEEE Arc Resistant testing of MV Metal Clad Panel to ANSI/IEEE C37.20.7 40kA 0,3/0,5s? 13,8kV ? 60Hz
  • Technology Laboratory is needed for new panel design tests including the Arc Resistant tests also need an Arc resistant test for an MCC, but for this MCC we already have the certifications for design tests. What information do you need to inform me of the commercial conditions for these tests? Scope: 1 ) Design test for MV Metal Clad panel- tests According to IEEE C37.20.2-2015 6.2.1 Dielectric tests Power frequency withstand tests Lightning impulse withstand tests Test for bus-bar insulation, bus joint insulation, and bus tap insulation 6.2.2 Rated continuous current tests 6.2.3 Momentary withstand current tests 6.2.4 Short-time withstand current tests 6.2.5 Auxiliary equipment primary disconnecting device momentary current withstand test 6.2.6 Mechanical endurance tests 6.2.7 Tests for insulating materials 6.2.8 Coating qualification test 6.2.9 Rain test 2) Arc Resistant test/ IAC test for MV Metal Clad panel according to IEEEC37.20.7 / IEC62271-200 ??AA?. -Considering 3 shots -Price for additional shots 3) Arc Resistant test/ IAC test for LV MCC according to IEC TR61641 /IEEEC37.20.7
  • Laboratory needed for IEEE biofuel and biogas testing. Systematic experimental investigations are planned to study the thermal efficiency, fuel consumption, brake power, and mechanical efficiency of the 4-stroke C I engine for different loads and speeds. The experiment will be conducted by using 100% biodiesel and diesel blends the results will be compared and utilized to draw the performance curves.
  • USA ISO mechanical laboratory needed for ISO testing, IEEE testing, and NVLAP testing: combination steering column component in an Anechoic Chamber. Parameters to meet include but not limited to vibration Frequency, db levels of the component at temperatures of -40C (low) and 80C (high) during testing
  • Asia electrical laboratory needed for IEEE Testing: Electrical Heat cycle Test & IEC61238-1(2003-5) & Ageing Test & Tensile stress test
  • Asia electrical laboratory needed for CE Marking, IEEE Testing to Electrical IEC61238 Product = Voltage detector TestPen CAT IV 1000V.
  • View more electronics and technology test requests

Need a laboratory to test your product for compliance with IEEE standards? Let us help! Call us toll-free at 1-855-377-6821 or submit a test request online!


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