

$15 million Awarded by NIH for 3-D Tissue Development

According to the NIH, during clinical trials, more than 60 percent of investigational drugs fail, even if they showed promising results in pre-clinical studies on cell and animal research. To stop this from happening, NIH has announced it will award 13 "Tissue Chip...

Modeling and Efficacy Testing

CDC Seasonal Influenza Death Estimate Increases

According to a new study based on data obtained from forty-seven countries performed by the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other global health agencies, estimates of flu-related deaths worldwide are higher than previously thought. The study suggests that...

Influenza Viron

Why Does Laboratory Proficiency Testing Matter?

Laboratory Proficiency Testing, sometimes referred to as inter-laboratory comparison, is used to assess the performance of laboratories by having them perform specific tests or measurements. Laboratory Proficiency Testing is performed by sending a specific item for...

Laboratory Proficiency Testing

Endocrinology Hormone Testing

Endocrinology hormone testing is important to determine the functioning of the endocrine system.  Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system, the collection of hormone producing glands responsible for regulating metabolism, reproduction, sleep, mood, tissue...

TRA | Toxicological Risk Assessment

Toxicological Risk Assessment, or TRA, are tests or services done to determine the potential risks from exposure to hazardous materials and substances. Toxicological risk assessments are performed on specific products and/or ingredients to determine whether they...

Outsourcing Antibody Research Studies

Contract Laboratory frequently works with Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and Healthcare companies in the outsourcing of their Antibody Research Studies. Below are some examples of Antibody Research Studies projects that we have worked with. France University...

Outsourcing Antibody Research Studies


A NATO STANAG (STANdardization AGreement) is a standardization document specifying an agreement among member nations to implement a specific standard. The NATO STANAG sets the parameters for procedures, processes, terms, and conditions for military and other...

Antibiotics in Food – 3rd Annual Report Released

In the third annual "Chain Reaction" report, the most popular US fast food chains are graded on their use of antibiotics in food, specifically meat,  as well as their policies and meat sourcing practices. Historically, antibiotics have been given to animals that...


Editor's Choice

