
Consumer Product Safety | Hardlines and Softlines Testing

Consumer product safety of hardlines and softlines is a major concern for most retailers and manufacturers. Hardlines and softlines testing, known as hard goods and soft goods, are two major types of testing. Softline goods are retail products like clothes,...

by | Feb 17, 2023

Hardlines and Softlines Testing

Consumer Product Safety | Hardlines and Softlines Testing

Consumer product safety of hardlines and softlines is a major concern for most retailers and manufacturers. Hardlines and softlines testing, known as hard goods and soft goods, are two major types of testing. Softline goods are retail products like clothes, linens and textiles. Hardline goods are items such as sporting goods, appliances, and electronics.

Consumer Product Testing of hardlines and softlines ensures that consumer products meet the consumer demands for high quality and safety while reducing the negative environmental impacts, reducing the manufacturers’ risks, and still complying with federal regulations.

See how we have helped others!

Contract Laboratory has helped manufacturers of both hardlines and softlines find laboratories to perform their respective consumer product safety testing of hardlines and softlines such as:

  • Consumer product/textile laboratory needed for compression testing of fabrics.
  • Laboratory needed for testing fabrics/textiles treated with products containing antibacterial and antifungal properties according to ASTM G21.
  • Sports performance laboratory needed to have exercise equipment tested to current safety standards.
  • Sports performance laboratory needed for proof of concept and safety testing of new sports products.
  • Furniture Consumer Products Laboratory needed for safety and weight capacity testing of chair attachment product.

View more Consumer Product Safety Test Requests of hardline and softline products

Find a laboratory for hardlines and softlines testing! Call us at 1-855-377-6821 or  Submit a Consumer Product Safety Test Request!


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