
What are Cell-Based Assays?

Cell-based assays are done to predict the response an organism will have to a drug, this is most often determined by measuring physiological response. These assays are commonly used to determine how likely a product is to achieve a specific...

by | Apr 21, 2023

cell-based assays

Cell-based assays are commonly used in drug development to measure a living organism’s response.

Cell-based assays are done to predict the response an organism will have to a drug, this is most often determined by measuring physiological response. These assays are commonly used to determine how likely a product is to achieve a specific biological effect. The versatility of cell-based assays allows them to measure almost any cellular function or biochemical function.

Cell-based assays are commonly used in drug discovery as they give researchers a more accurate picture of biological responses. Drug development looks at an organism’s response to the drug at different times, best analyzed through cell-based assays. Factors to consider when choosing which assay to use include time required to set up, signal stability, sensitivity, and ease of use.

If your organization is looking for a laboratory to perform your cell-based assays or other testing, call us at 1-855-377-6821, or submit an online test request!

Organizations we have helped acquire cell-based testing are:

  • USA / CANADA Preclinical Virology Laboratory is needed for initial proof of concept pre-clinical testing of our compound in regards to anti-viral activity against HSV-2, HSV-1 (genital herpes), and HPV (human papillomavirus).
  • USA Pre-clinical Contract Research Organization needed for preclinical virology studies: anti-HIV testing in cell-based assay
  • Europe bioanalytical laboratory needed for biopharmaceutical testing: Kinetic analysis of antibody-antigen binding by surface plasmon resonance and cell-based assay for inhibition of proliferation of human lymphocytes
  • FDA GMP Bioanalytical lab needed for testing Cell-based assay with real-time PCR readout.
  • USA Bioanalytical laboratory needed for anti-inflammatory activity testing of natural product extracts utilizing iNOS and COX testing of cell-based assays
  • EU FDA GMP laboratory is needed for testing biological potency determination of Interferon using a microtitre plate cell-based assay. The bioassay is a CPE (cytopathic effect)assay and uses MTT as a cytochemical stain. This test would be formally transferred to the contract testing laboratory.
  • Cell-based assay to measure levels of TNF-alpha release Quality Control Testing.Must meet GLP/GMP requirements.
  • or check out all our test requests, here!

Learn more about the bioanalytical research and testing services Contract Laboratory has to offer!


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