
Benefits of Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing

There are multiple reasons to outsource your laboratory testing and research, here are just a few.

by | Mar 14, 2024

To help facilitate your laboratory research and testing needs

In today’s fast-paced scientific world, laboratory outsourcing and scientific sourcing have become increasingly popular. Outsourcing refers to the process of contracting work out to a third party, while scientific sourcing involves the procurement of materials, equipment, and services from external providers to conduct research and experiments.

There are several benefits to laboratory outsourcing and scientific resourcing, here is a short list to name a few:

  • Contract Laboratories and Contract Research Organizations may have more specialized scientific or technical knowledge, laboratory capabilities, laboratory instruments, or laboratory equipment needed for sophisticated tests, research, analysis, bioanalysis, arrays, evaluations, studies, examinations, experimentation, or developments.
  • Contract Labs may already own and have experience with highly complicated laboratory instruments or equipment saving your company initial set-up and maintenance costs. These Laboratories may have already validated such lab instruments and lab equipment or may not be able to properly maintain the laboratory equipment and laboratory instruments. This may be especially cost-effective if your internal laboratory would infrequently perform the testing or infrequently use the lab instruments or lab equipment.
  • They can offer a degree of laboratory testing objectivity and independence in questionable or Laboratory matters such as internal laboratory testing failures, out-of-specification (OOS) investigations, customer complaints, import detentions, manufacturing failures, importation, exportation, legal issues, competitor analysis, or failure investigations.
  • Outsourced labs have validated laboratory methods or experience with specific laboratory methodologies such as USP, ISO, BP, JP, ASTM, AAMI, etc.
  • They offer the ability to augment your internal laboratory capabilities during new product launches, expansions, or research and development projects such as validation, technology transfers, product development, etc.

If you require any further details or assistance with your laboratory outsourcing or scientific resourcing, visit our main website or call us at 1-855-377-6821.


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