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Protein Characterization | Protein Identification

Protein characterization is a term used to describe the process of identifying the physical, chemical, and biological properties of a protein. Many techniques exist to perform protein analysis. Before proteins can be characterized and studied they must be isolated....

Lab Technician looking into microscope

FDA New Guidance | Food Safety Modernization Act FSMA

The US FDA recently announced it would be making changes to the way it enforces the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) of 2011, an act meant to help ensure the safety of the food supply. The agency is calling the act the biggest food safety overhaul in 70 years....

FDA Issues New Guidance on Food Safety Modernization Act

Pet Food Testing for Campylobacter

Pet food testing is common to ensure it is free of disease-causing organisms such as campylobacter. Campylobacter is a bacterial infection that causes food poisoning that is somewhat common in puppies. It is estimated that as many as 49 percent of dogs carry the...

Endocrinology Hormone Testing

Endocrinology hormone testing is important to determine the functioning of the endocrine system.  Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system, the collection of hormone producing glands responsible for regulating metabolism, reproduction, sleep, mood, tissue...

Urine Drug Toxicology Testing

Most drug toxicology testing is performed on urine samples, as most drugs are broken down and excreted through urine. Testing can also be done on blood, however, concentrations of drugs are usually higher in urine and testing is less invasive, faster, and cheaper....

REACH Registration of Consumer Products

What is REACH registration, and what type of testing must be done for REACH registration? REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a regulation set forth by the European Union, that began in 2007. It was started as a way to...

Outsourcing Antibody Research Studies

Contract Laboratory frequently works with Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and Healthcare companies in the outsourcing of their Antibody Research Studies. Below are some examples of Antibody Research Studies projects that we have worked with. France University...

Outsourcing Antibody Research Studies

Antibiotics in Food – 3rd Annual Report Released

In the third annual "Chain Reaction" report, the most popular US fast food chains are graded on their use of antibiotics in food, specifically meat,  as well as their policies and meat sourcing practices. Historically, antibiotics have been given to animals that...


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