
Antibiotics in Food – 3rd Annual Report Released

In the third annual “Chain Reaction” report, the most popular US fast food chains are graded on their use of antibiotics in food, specifically meat,  as well as their policies and meat sourcing practices. Historically, antibiotics have been given to...

by | Feb 6, 2023

Antibiotics in Food Testing

Antibiotics in Food Testing

In the third annual “Chain Reaction” report, the most popular US fast food chains are graded on their use of antibiotics in food, specifically meat,  as well as their policies and meat sourcing practices. Historically, antibiotics have been given to animals that weren’t sick in an effort to speed up weight gain and to prevent diseases that arise from overcrowding and unsanitary conditions.

Though recent pressure from consumers has helped some chains cut back on antibiotic use, only two of the 25 restaurants surveyed received an A grade, with 12 others passing and with 11 others failing. According to CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest health threats facing us today,” overuse of antibiotics has resulted in them losing their effectiveness. It is estimated that 70 percent of medically important antibiotics in the U.S. are used in livestock. The CDC as well as top medical experts agree that overuse in livestock contributes to antibiotic resistant superbugs which infect two million people annually.
When animals are given antibiotics, either through their food or water, they can develop a resistance to the drug which can then be transferred to other animals or even people. In an effort to combat this resistance, the US FDA has began making changes. By January, they will no longer allow animal drug manufacturers to prescribe medically important antibiotics for the sole purpose of growth.
In the report, a coalition of organizations calls on fast food restaurants to adopt policy changes which limit or reduce antibiotic use in meat supply chains. Another goal of the report is to inform consumers about the products they are ingesting. The report states:
The nation’s fast food restaurant chains are in a unique position to address the antibiotic resistance crisis. Fast food chains are huge buyers of meat and poultry. A quarter of all chicken produced in the United States is sold through fast food restaurants…and McDonald’s has been cited in the media as the largest buyer of beef in the United States (source).
Antibiotics in Food Testing

Antibiotics in Food Testing

This year’s report found that half (14) of the twenty-five restaurants surveyed had taken some steps to limit antibiotic use in their supply chains, though the majority of progress has taken place in chicken production with little improvement in the beef and pork industries.

Need a laboratory to test for antibiotics in food? Contract Laboratory can help you find a laboratory! Below are some of the food test requests we have recently helped facilitate:

Antibiotics in Food Test Requests

  • USA FDA NABL Food Laboratory needed for food testing of foods including Honey: Authenticity and Residual antibiotics in food including Honey We are interested in utilizing US Lab services for testing of Purity of Honey by EA-IRMS or other methods and residual antibiotics in honey for export to USA.
  • LONG-TERM TESTING: ISO 17025 food laboratory needed for various testing of food products including: Hepatitis A and E and Noroviruses, Hormones, Antibiotics and vitamin testing.
  • Food laboratory needed for milk powder quality testing : Heat Instability: Alcohol Test > 75% IDF: 133:1981 Clot on boiling test Negative K.S.S 150:1982 Objectionable matter Minimal/25g MAF Dairy Division Foreign matter Absent/25g MAF Dairy Division Inhibitory substances 0.005 IU/ml Max MAF Dairy Division Antibiotics Negative MAF Dairy Division
  • Animal Health company needs laboratory for certification testing that veterinary feed additive is free of antibiotics prior to export. Certification must claim that the sample is free from all kinds of Antibiotics including Chloramphenicle and Nitrofurane and Melamine. Radioactivity analysis by AOAC method
  • Midwest USA analytical chemistry laboratory needed for milk testing of antibiotics are in the milk (bovine milk) and I need to know how much of those antibiotics are in the milk sample.
  • USA food laboratory needed for cheese testing of two of our washed rind cheeses, fluid milk, finished product, environmentals, brine for detectable sulfites. We currently test for Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria species, E. coli, coliform, high sensitivity coliform count, staph aureus, electronic somatic cell count, DMSCC pyronin y methyl green, antibiotics, PI, lab past,. butterfat, protein, lactose, other solids, total solids, MUN, FPD, etc
  • USA FDA NABL Food Laboratory needed for food testing of foods including Honey: Authenticity and Residual antibiotics in food including Honey We are interested in utilizing US Lab services for testing of Purity of Honey by EA-IRMS or other methods and residual antibiotics in honey for export to USA.
  • USA Food Laboratory needed for food safety testing. Need HPLC testing of cheese for antibiotics (beta lactins) using HPLC
  • View more food testing requests

Need a laboratory to test your food product? Submit a test request today by calling 1-855-377-6821 or on our website!

Need a laboratory for Antibiotics in food  testing  ?

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of food in need testing  let Contract Laboratory save you time and money searching for a laboratory! Call Contract Laboratory today, toll-free at 1-855-377-6821 or Submit Laboratory  Food Testing!


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