
A Laboratory Guide to Polymer Material Performance Testing

By adhering to best practices and using advanced testing methods, manufacturers can ensure that their polymer materials meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

by | Sep 3, 2024

Polymers are versatile materials used in a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, electronics, medical devices, and consumer goods. Ensuring that polymer materials meet performance standards is crucial for product safety, reliability, and durability. Polymer material performance testing involves evaluating various properties and characteristics to ensure that polymers can withstand the conditions and stresses they will encounter in real-world applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of polymer material performance testing, including its importance, types of tests, methods, and applications.

Why is Polymer Material Performance Testing Important?

Polymer material performance testing is essential for several reasons:

  1. Quality Assurance: Testing helps manufacturers ensure that polymers meet the required quality standards and specifications for their intended use. This ensures consistent performance and reduces the risk of product failure.
  2. Safety and Compliance: Many industries have regulatory requirements for the safety and performance of polymer materials. Testing ensures compliance with these regulations, protecting consumers and end-users.
  3. Product Development: Performance testing provides valuable data for developing new polymer materials and improving existing products. It helps identify the best formulations and processing conditions to achieve desired properties.
  4. Durability and Reliability: Polymers must withstand various environmental conditions, mechanical stresses, and chemical exposures. Testing ensures that materials can maintain their performance over time, enhancing the durability and reliability of products.
  5. Cost Efficiency: By identifying potential weaknesses and failure points early in the development process, testing helps prevent costly recalls, rework, and product failures, ultimately saving time and money.

Key Properties Evaluated in Polymer Material Performance Testing

Polymer material performance testing involves evaluating various properties that affect the material’s behavior and performance. Key properties include:

  • Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength, elongation, modulus of elasticity, hardness, impact resistance, and fatigue resistance.
  • Thermal Properties: Melting point, glass transition temperature (Tg), thermal stability, and thermal conductivity.
  • Chemical Resistance: Resistance to solvents, acids, bases, and other chemicals.
  • Electrical Properties: Dielectric strength, conductivity, and insulation resistance.
  • Optical Properties: Transparency, color, and UV resistance.
  • Environmental Resistance: Resistance to UV radiation, moisture, temperature fluctuations, and weathering.
  • Barrier Properties: Permeability to gases, moisture, and vapors.
  • Flammability: Flammability, ignition resistance, and smoke generation.

Types of Polymer Material Performance Tests

Several types of tests are used to evaluate the performance of polymer materials. Each type of test provides specific information about the material’s properties and behavior under different conditions.

1. Mechanical Testing

Mechanical testing assesses the strength, flexibility, and toughness of polymer materials. Common mechanical tests include:

  • Tensile Testing: Measures the material’s response to tensile (pulling) forces, providing data on tensile strength, elongation, and modulus of elasticity. It helps determine how much the material can stretch before breaking.
  • Compression Testing: Evaluates the material’s behavior under compressive (pushing) forces. It provides information on compressive strength, stiffness, and deformation characteristics.
  • Flexural Testing: Measures the material’s ability to withstand bending forces. It provides data on flexural strength and modulus, which are important for materials used in structural applications.
  • Impact Testing: Assesses the material’s resistance to sudden, high-energy impacts. Tests like the Izod and Charpy impact tests measure the energy absorbed by the material during fracture, indicating its toughness.
  • Hardness Testing: Measures the material’s resistance to indentation or scratching. Common hardness tests for polymers include Shore hardness tests (Shore A and Shore D) and Rockwell hardness tests.
  • Fatigue Testing: Evaluates the material’s ability to withstand repeated cyclic loading over time. Fatigue testing helps predict the material’s lifespan and resistance to fatigue failure.

2. Thermal Testing

Thermal testing evaluates the material’s response to temperature changes and thermal stress. Common thermal tests include:

  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC): Measures the heat flow associated with phase transitions, such as melting and glass transition. DSC provides data on melting point, crystallization temperature, and heat capacity.
  • Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA): Measures changes in the material’s weight as it is heated. TGA provides information on thermal stability, decomposition temperature, and volatile content.
  • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA): Measures the material’s mechanical properties as a function of temperature, frequency, and time. DMA provides data on modulus, damping, and glass transition temperature.
  • Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT): Measures the temperature at which a polymer deforms under a specified load. HDT provides information on the material’s thermal resistance and suitability for high-temperature applications.
  • Thermal Conductivity Testing: Measures the material’s ability to conduct heat. Thermal conductivity is important for applications requiring heat dissipation or insulation.

3. Chemical Resistance Testing

Chemical resistance testing evaluates the material’s ability to withstand exposure to chemicals, solvents, and other corrosive substances. Common chemical resistance tests include:

  • Immersion Testing: The material is immersed in a chemical solution for a specified period, and changes in weight, appearance, and mechanical properties are measured.
  • Stress Cracking Testing: The material is subjected to stress while exposed to a chemical environment to assess its susceptibility to stress cracking.
  • Chemical Compatibility Testing: The material is exposed to various chemicals to evaluate its compatibility and resistance to chemical attack.

4. Electrical Testing

Electrical testing assesses the material’s electrical properties, which are important for applications in electronics and electrical insulation. Common electrical tests include:

  • Dielectric Strength Testing: Measures the material’s ability to withstand high voltage without breaking down. Dielectric strength is important for insulating materials.
  • Surface Resistivity Testing: Measures the material’s resistance to the flow of electrical current along its surface. Surface resistivity is important for materials used in electronic components and devices.
  • Volume Resistivity Testing: Measures the material’s resistance to the flow of electrical current through its volume. Volume resistivity provides information on the material’s insulating properties.

5. Optical Testing

Optical testing evaluates the material’s optical properties, such as transparency, color, and UV resistance. Common optical tests include:

  • Haze and Clarity Testing: Measures the amount of light scattering and transmission through the material. Haze and clarity are important for transparent and translucent materials.
  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy: Measures the material’s absorption and transmission of ultraviolet and visible light. UV-Vis spectroscopy provides information on color and UV resistance.
  • Gloss and Reflectance Testing: Measures the material’s surface reflectivity and gloss. Gloss and reflectance are important for materials used in aesthetic applications.

6. Environmental Testing

Environmental testing evaluates the material’s resistance to environmental factors such as UV radiation, moisture, temperature fluctuations, and weathering. Common environmental tests include:

  • UV Exposure Testing: Exposes the material to UV light to assess its resistance to UV degradation. UV exposure testing helps predict the material’s lifespan and color stability.
  • Moisture Absorption Testing: Measures the amount of moisture absorbed by the material under different humidity conditions. Moisture absorption affects the material’s mechanical properties and dimensional stability.
  • Weathering Testing: Simulates outdoor weathering conditions, including UV light, rain, and temperature changes, to evaluate the material’s durability and performance in outdoor applications.

7. Barrier Property Testing

Barrier property testing evaluates the material’s ability to resist the permeation of gases, moisture, and vapors. Common barrier property tests include:

  • Gas Permeability Testing: Measures the rate at which gases, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide, pass through the material. Gas permeability is important for packaging materials used to preserve food and pharmaceuticals.
  • Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) Testing: Measures the rate at which water vapor passes through the material. WVTR is important for materials used in moisture-sensitive applications.
  • Chemical Permeation Testing: Evaluates the material’s resistance to the permeation of chemicals, solvents, and oils. Chemical permeation testing is important for protective clothing and industrial applications.

8. Flammability Testing

Flammability testing evaluates the material’s behavior when exposed to fire or heat. Common flammability tests include:

  • Vertical Flame Test: Measures the material’s ignition resistance and flame spread when exposed to a vertical flame. The test assesses the material’s ability to self-extinguish and prevent flame propagation.
  • Horizontal Burning Test: Measures the material’s burning rate and flame spread when exposed to a horizontal flame. The test provides information on the material’s flammability and fire safety.
  • Smoke Generation Testing: Measures the amount and composition of smoke produced by the material when burned. Smoke generation testing is important for assessing the material’s impact on visibility and toxicity in fire scenarios.

Applications of Polymer Material Performance Testing

Polymer material performance testing is essential for various industries and applications:

Automotive and Aerospace

  • Lightweight Materials: Testing helps develop lightweight polymer materials for automotive and aerospace components, reducing weight and improving fuel efficiency.
  • Durability and Safety: Testing ensures that polymers used in automotive interiors, exteriors, and structural components meet safety standards and withstand environmental conditions.

Construction and Building Materials

  • Insulation and Sealants: Testing evaluates the thermal, moisture, and chemical resistance of polymers used in insulation, sealants, and coatings.
  • Structural Components: Testing ensures that polymers used in pipes, fittings, and structural components meet strength and durability requirements.

Electronics and Electrical

  • Insulating Materials: Testing evaluates the electrical properties of polymers used in insulating cables, connectors, and electronic components.
  • Heat Dissipation: Testing helps develop polymers with high thermal conductivity for heat dissipation in electronic devices.

Medical Devices and Healthcare

  • Biocompatibility: Testing evaluates the safety and compatibility of polymers used in medical devices, implants, and drug delivery systems.
  • Sterilization Resistance: Testing ensures that polymers used in medical applications can withstand sterilization processes without degradation.


  • Food and Beverage Packaging: Testing evaluates the barrier properties, chemical resistance, and safety of polymers used in food and beverage packaging.
  • Pharmaceutical Packaging: Testing ensures that polymers used in pharmaceutical packaging protect drugs from moisture, light, and oxygen.


Polymer material performance testing is a critical process that ensures the quality, safety, and reliability of polymer materials used in various industries. By evaluating mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, optical, and environmental properties, testing helps manufacturers develop high-performance polymers that meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.

As polymers continue to play a vital role in modern technology and innovation, the importance of performance testing will only grow. By adhering to best practices and using advanced testing methods, manufacturers can ensure that their polymer materials meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

For more information on polymer material performance testing and other material testing services, visit, your trusted resource for finding third-party testing labs for all your testing needs.


  • Trevor Henderson BSc (HK), MSc, PhD (c), is the Creative Services Director for the Laboratory Products Group at LabX Media Group. He has more than three decades of experience in the fields of scientific and technical writing, editing, and creative content creation. With academic training in the areas of human biology, physical anthropology, and community health, he has a broad skill set of both laboratory and analytical skills. Since 2013, he has been working with LabX Media Group developing content solutions that engage and inform scientists and laboratorians.

    View all posts Director, Creative Services - LabX Media Group

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