
Research Spending by National Science Foundation $7073 million

How much research spending does the NSF do? According to a US National Science Foundation NSF Infographic, the NSF spent $7073 million on Scientific Research and Development in FY-2015. This is broken down in spending to Universities and Colleges, Private Industries,...

by | Feb 20, 2023

How much research spending does the NSF do?

According to a US National Science Foundation NSF Infographic, the NSF spent $7073 million on Scientific Research and Development in FY-2015. This is broken down in spending to Universities and Colleges, Private Industries, and Federally-Funded Research and Development Centers. 
research spending by US National Science Foundation NSF Scientific Spending

US National Science Foundation NSF Scientific Spending

In all, Universities and Colleges received the most money from the National Science Foundation with a total of $5,051 million. This number represented 78% of the total NSF research spending. Private Industry received $959 million which represented 14% of NSF Spending. Federally-Funded Research and Development Centers only received $216 million. This was only 3% of NSF research spending.

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