
ASK THE LAB EXPERT: Dr. Thomas Prychitko

Dr. Thomas Prychitko is founder and CEO of Helix Biological Laboratory

by | Jan 7, 2025

Q: Can you tell us about your role at Helix Biological Laboratory and the key focus areas of your work?

A: I am the laboratory Director at Helix Biological Laboratory. My laboratory business is a solo person operation and therefore I am responsible for all operations at the
lab. This includes all of the testing and analysis of samples submitted by clients, experimental design and development of laboratory testing procedures and protocols, collection of data and results, writing of reports, correspondence with clients, invoicing, and all other day to day responsibilities.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in this field?

A: I always had the desire and vision to have a laboratory business of my own. I was intrigued by the idea of being able to have a laboratory that could provide a wide range of testing and analysis on a variety of sample types and have the ability to provide custom design assays to fit the specific needs of clients. It was my intention from the beginning to establish a laboratory that would have very diverse capabilities and be able to implement testing solutions for the “outside the box” or more “exotic” type of test requests. I knew it would be a process to develop my own laboratory business and would require a great deal of self determination and extensive knowledge in the fields of molecular and microbiology. I dedicated myself to learning as many molecular and microbiology techniques that I could during my time as a graduate student and post doctoral student, and continued to expand my portfolio of laboratory techniques as a research associate prior to starting Helix Biological Laboratory.

Research and Innovations

Q: What recent innovations or breakthroughs is Helix Biological Laboratory working on that you’re particularly excited about?

A: Helix Biological Laboratory has become an industry leader as a 3rd party testing laboratory for companies that manufacture and distribute probiotics. The testing my lab provides is to confirm the particular probiotic species and strains in a sample product using PCR and DNA markers. To that end, the lab continues to expand its library of DNA markers for probiotic species and strains. The lab has also designed and developed several isothermal nucleic acid amplification assays using loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) that can be used as rapid tests for point of care (POC) testing. The lab is on course for developing point of care diagnostic testing kits that can be used by the public.

Q: How does your lab adapt to advances in molecular diagnostics?

A: It is important to me to be familiar with and have an understanding of leading edge technologies and testing methods that are related to the types of molecular and microbiological testing and analysis that I perform for my clients. I am always researching and keeping myself up to date on new developments in my field of work. I feel it is absolutely necessary to focus attention toward learning and bringing in new technologies and methods that can take the testing my lab performs to the highest level of efficacy possible.

Industry Trends

Q: What emerging trends do you see shaping the future of laboratory science?

A: One of the biggest trends that I see is an increase in laboratory outsourcing. I believe that more and more, a company with an in-house lab is unable to deliver state-of-the-art testing to the standard required either because of lack of proper equipment, skilled expertise, or in-house cost. It may also be a case where the test or project is highly unique and involves technical applications and expertise that is beyond what a company’s in-house lab and staff are capable of carrying out successfully. Outsourcing of laboratory testing work and lab projects by companies provides a great opportunity for laboratories like Helix Biological Laboratory to provide laboratory testing services in such a way that it is mutually beneficial for both parties.

Another trend is globalization of the laboratory testing services market. A client could be right across the street or on the other side of the world. Geography does not separate a testing laboratory from a client the way it used to. My lab has had the opportunity to provide laboratory testing services for clients from numerous countries across the world and recognizes the ever expanding global market for testing.

As Laboratory Director, I have put my laboratory in a position to provide services to potential clients across the world by offering attractive incentives that include testing methods that are cost effective and maintain a high quality standard, fast turn-around times, outstanding customer service, exceptional technical expertise, and state-of-the-art equipment and instrument resources.

Q: How does Helix Biological Laboratory stay ahead in such a rapidly evolving industry?

A: Helix Biological Laboratory is continuously engaged in investigating the latest leading edge testing and analysis methods and technologies and implementing them into our laboratory testing procedures. To be a top flight service laboratory, a lab must be able to provide testing and analysis that is to the highest standard and highest efficacy possible. Helix Biological Laboratory is able to accomplish this and support our laboratory’s high quality professional standards through the use of state-of-the-art equipment, along with comprehensive skills, and technical expertise.

Practical Applications

Q: How does the work at Helix Biological Laboratory impact real-world challenges?

A: A large portion of the testing we perform for clients eventually impacts people across the country and even across the world. Much of the testing that is performed in the lab is directly related to quality of human health, a major issue around the world. People that value their personal health and well being want to invest in their health and want to make the quality of their health a sustainable personal asset.

Q: Can you share an example of a project or discovery that has had a meaningful impact on the community?

A: As I mentioned, the lab performs a tremendous amount of confirmation testing in probiotic samples to ensure the quality and authenticity of those products. This in turn allows high quality probiotic products to be sold to a consumer market that is looking to derive benefits for their personal health. I believe the contribution that Helix Biological Laboratory makes in this area has a powerfully positive impact on human health worldwide.

The lab also performs a considerable amount of microbial source tracking (MST) testing, which determines the host sources (human or animal types) of fecal contamination in waterways. By being able to provide a client with data regarding the exact host sources of fecal contamination, it gives them the opportunity to immediately take corrective measures and perform the bioremediation necessary to restore the balance of the water ecosystem.

Advice for Aspiring Scientists

Q: What advice would you give to students or early-career scientists looking to work in this field?

A: I would tell them they need to be very dedicated toward research and learning. They need to have a passion for doing research and be inspired by realizing what an amazing field of science they have the opportunity to venture into. They must desire to be a difference maker and be prepared to put in a lot of hard work.

Q: What skills or qualities do you believe are most critical for success in laboratory research?

A: It is important to understand how techniques, whether they are in the field of molecular biology, microbiology or another field of science, are used to create pathways and find scientific solutions. In order to be successful in scientific fields, it is important to learn as many skills and techniques as possible and to always maintain a passion for learning more.

Developing one’s expertise to the highest level possible is necessary to establish oneself as the standard of excellence in their field of research. It is also vital to develop problem solving skills and abilities and be able to have a solution orientated mind set. If one has the ability to creatively problem solve, they will be able to meet all challenges they face and be an innovator in their field.

Future Outlook

Q: Where do you see Helix Biological Laboratory heading in the next five to ten years?

A: As Laboratory Directory, I like to view myself as being a visionary and being able to see what the next step forward and next progression is for my laboratory. I believe having a vision for a company is a key factor in being a successful laboratory business entrepreneur, along with possessing a great sense of imagination. One of the goals for my lab is to offer more than just testing services, but to expand into laboratory product development.

As I had mentioned earlier, staying on top of leading edge technologies and testing methods is paramount in maintaining a competitive edge. It is also important to see what else is out there and to ask “What else can my lab add to its testing service portfolio?” and “What opportunity is out there that my lab may be a good fit for?” My laboratory actively seeks new opportunities that are available and is ready to step into new markets and add additional “layers” to our testing and analysis services.

I like to be on the watch for business opportunities that my lab has the technical skills and resources to take advantage of. I consider my lab’s ability to evolve, adapt and diversify to be among its major strengths. I believe in being proactive and making as many contacts and connections as possible with individuals, groups and organizations that Helix Biological Laboratory can do business with or form new collaborations. Helix Biological Laboratory wants to continue to move forward and be an innovative trend setter in the industry.

Q: How do you envision your research evolving to meet the demands of the future?

A: In particular, I want to work toward further development and distribution of diagnostic testing kits that could be available to a large market of end users in the agricultural, food and beverage, and medical industries. My goal in designing these diagnostic testing kits is to produce point of care testing to detect specific types of microorganisms that include, bacteria, fungi, protozoans and viruses using LAMP and RPA isothermal amplification technologies, so that an individual could perform the testing right on sight and get accurate results very quickly without having to send samples to a lab for analysis. In addition to having the ability of a user to perform a quick, accurate on-site test, the point of care diagnostic test kit would be priced in a range that would make it very cost effective for the user.

Diversity is also important for a laboratory. The ability to take what the lab currently does and expand upon that by designing, developing and incorporating modified or completely novel methods and applications increases the client base and augments the capabilities that the laboratory has already established . Through innovation and by continuing to concentrate efforts on new approaches, it is the goal of Helix Biological Laboratory to set a precedent as a growing leader in the market.


  • Forner FDA specialist and founder of Contract Laboratory, Pamela has extensive experience in quality assurance and regulatory compliance within the pharmaceutical and food industries. She has a strong background in applying USP standards to ensure product safety, efficacy, and purity and has expertise spanning analytical testing, process validation, and global regulatory compliance.

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