Within the past 30 days of January 2017, there have been 12 US Food and Drug Administration FDA recalls for undeclared milk on food labeling. The food products ranged from carrot cupcakes, potato chips, romaine salad, and chocolate chip cookies. While there were small food manufacturers, there were also large food companies such as Thomas Hammer Coffee and Fred Meyers Stores.
Food allergies are a growing concern in food safety with an estimated 4-6% of children having a food allergy. Eight food groups account for 90% of serious allergic reactions: milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, and tree nuts. Food allergy reactions can be severe and life-threatening which is why food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers need to ensure that all ingredients are declared on food labeling.
ContractLaboratory.com has helped many food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers with the outsourcing of milk testing projects to ensure compliance with FDA food labeling requirements. Below are some examples of milk testing projects:
- A packaging/container company needs a laboratory to test the breakdown of poly-lined containers for milk and similar consumables by means of hydrochloric acid or nitric acid.
- Food analytical chemistry laboratory needed for the sugar content of chocolate milk
- Large dairy company needs European food laboratory for lead testing in milk
- Food laboratory needed for nutritional testing for kefir nutrition label. Kefir is made up of one ingredient and that is milk (cow or goat). The process is fermentation.
- Food analytical chemistry laboratory needed for osmolality testing of milk replacer
Food Laboratory needed for a product development project to develop and produce milk made from sesame seeds (developing and customizing formulation), with all the high-quality control standards needed including requesting labeling and regulatory guidelines set out by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Everything is under a confidentiality agreement.
- Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for Analysis of recombinant bovine somatotropin in Ultra-High Processed UHT milk and possibly other dairy products
- European food laboratory is needed for nutritional labeling testing and food research study on melatonin levels in milk powder that has been milked at different times at night to find out the melatonin levels. After that, the one with the highest level like to order a full Nutrition Facts Label if possible.
- Food analytical chemistry laboratory needed for milk testing: Heavy metals residue tests of processed milk for lead, mercury, aluminum
- LONG-TERM TESTING: USDA Food Laboratory needed for ice cream testing (microbiology and nutritional) for import license. Testing needed is for Milk Solid Non-Fat content, Milk Fat Content, and Sugar content of 6 x SKU’s of ice cream for an import license. This is immediate as well as ongoing for each shipment we send. We regularly perform APC, as well as a requirement for Staph and Coliforms + a count of strains of probiotics added to our ice cream
- Food bioanalytical laboratory needed to measure non-protein nitrogen levels in milk/whey samples. There is less than 2% NPN ( including urea) but we need accurate measurement.
- Food Laboratory needed to test about a dozen different processed/unprocessed foods for anything pcbs, heavy metals, toxins, pesticides, Various protein powders Vitamin C supplements Digestive Enzymes Nanogreens Chlorella tablet Butter Eggs Breast milk (if possible) Will also ask for a thorough description of results
- A small farm needs microbiology laboratories for goat milk testing for brucellosis or any other bacteria or virus
- Food microbiology laboratory needed for microbial testing of milk sweets TPC, TFC, and Yeast and mold studies
- North American Food Bioanalytical laboratory needed for milk analyses for galacto-oligosaccharides to well-recognized methods like AOAC
And many more milk testing projects that ContractLaboratory.com has helped dairy farms, food manufacturers, restaurants and retailers. View Milk Testing Requests
Are you a dairy farm, food manufacturer, restaurant, or retailer that needs a food laboratory for milk testing or other food labeling testing? Call us toll-free at 1-855-377-6821 or Submit Milk Testing Requests